Ahmadil al-Kurdi

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Ahmadil ibn Ibrahim ibn Wahsudan al-Rawwadi al-Kurdi († 1114/15 in Baghdad ) was a Kurdish prince of Maragha as a vassal of the Seljuks . He was a member of the Rawadid dynasty .

Ahmadil took part in 1111 as the commander of his own troop contingent in the campaign ( jihād ) of the general Maudud against the crusaders. In July of that year, he began the siege of Turbessel Castle (Arabic Tell Bashir; today Tilbeşar ). However , after paying a bribe, he concluded a peace treaty with its owner, “Gozelin den Franken” , and lifted the siege, which contributed to the failure of the campaign.

In the year 1114/15 Ahamdil was murdered in Baghdad by "Batinids" ( assassins ), probably on behalf of the ruler of Damascus , Tughtigin, who was present there at the time .

The rule in Maragha was then taken over by Ahmadil's former military slave ( mamlūk ) Aq Sunqur al-Ahmadili († 1133), who was able to establish his own dynasty (Ahmadilis) here, which lasted until the conquest by the Mongols in the early 13th century.
