Ailein duinn

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Ailein duinn (in German: dark-haired Alan ) is a Scottish Gaelic lament that was written for Ailean Moireasdan ("Alan Morrison") by his fiancée Annag Chaimbeul ("Anna Campbell"). Around the year 1773 should Ailein of Lewis , the northern part of the twin islands of Lewis and Harris have set sail from to Ann on Scalpay and Taransay , both islands near the isthmus between the two peninsulas of Lewis and Harris to marry. However, the ship sank whereupon Anna lost her will to live and died a few months later. She is said to have been buried on Rodel Beach on Harris , where Ailein's body is said to have washed up on the beach. Before she died, Anna composed this lament for her lost love.


There are different text and melody versions. The most common is the one used in the film Rob Roy :

Scottish Gaelic

Gura mise tha fo éislean
Moch sa mhaduinn is mi 'g éirigh
Ò hì shiùbhlainn leat
Hì ri bhò hò ru bhì
Hì ri bhò hò rinn o ho
Ailein Duinn, ò hì shiubhlainn leat
Ma 'se' n cluasag dhut a 'ghaineamh
Ma 'se leabaidh dhut an fheamainn
Ma 'se' n t-iasg do choinnlean geala
Ma 'se na ròin do luchd-faire
Dh'òlainn deoch ge b 'oil le càch e
De dh'fhuil do choim 's do' n déidh do bhathadh

German translation

How sad i am
When I get up early in the morning
Choir (after each stanza):
Ò hì, I would go with you!
Hì ri bhò hò ru bhì
Hì ri bhò hò rinn o ho
Brown-haired Alan, ò hì, I would go with you!
If the sand were your pillow
If the seaweed were your bed
If the fish were your bright candle.
If the seals were your guardian.
I would drink though everyone loathed it
from your heart blood after you drown.

Use in pop culture

Individual evidence

  1. ^ R. Watson: The Poetry of Scotland: Gaelic, Scots, & English, 1380-1980 , Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2002, pp. 462-464. ISBN 0-748-60607-6 .
  2. Entry: Song beginning 'Ailein Duinn shiulain leat' and accompanying story , University of Edinburgh ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Entry: Song entitled 'Ailean Duinn' and accompanying narrative , University of Edinburgh ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )