Aiutante di Battaglia

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Aiutante di Battaglia is a Portepee NCO - rank of the Italian armed forces , which according to the current legal situation can only be awarded in times of war. The rank introduced in 1916 stands above all other current and previous Italian non-commissioned officer ranks. The regular rank Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente ( Oberstabsfeldwebel ), introduced in 2001, has received the last badge of rank of the Aiutante di Battaglia that is still in use and de facto replaced the latter . Thus the rank of Aiutante di Battaglia could be awarded again in times of war, but he would need a new badge of rank.


The rank of Aiutante di Battaglia (German for "slaughter assistant") was introduced with a decree of September 3, 1916 because of the high losses among subaltern officers and platoon leaders in the First World War . In order to be able to achieve the new rank (and thus, as a rule, the position of a platoon leader), one did not have to go through the three subordinate Portepee NCO ranks (Maresciallo) , which at that time were mainly intended for administrative and support tasks. NCOs and crews who showed leadership qualities and the potential to become platoon leaders in combat could be promoted directly to the new rank, which they retained after the war (if they survived). The same procedure was followed during and after the Second World War .

In the years after the Second World War, the rank disappeared de facto when he left active service. In the 1970s, the Maresciallo Maggiore Aiutante was introduced as the fourth regular Portepee NCO rank , which then became the Primo Maresciallo in the mid-1990s . In 2001 the Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente followed as the fifth rank with the rank badge of the "expired" Aiutante di Battaglia .

The rank of Aiutante di Battaglia was only introduced in 1916 in the army , to which the Carabinieri formally belonged at the time . In the Air Force , he was first introduced in 1942, in the Navy de facto never. The largely forgotten rank was included in Article 1328 when the new Military Organization Code of 2010 (Codice dell 'ordinamento militare) was drawn up . Legally, it is therefore still provided in its original form for all four Italian armed forces exclusively for times of war. The lack of a rank badge and the fact that Italian Portepee NCOs have been able to be used as platoon leaders since the mid-1990s suggests that the Aiutante di Battaglia will continue to exist only on paper.


See also

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