Ranks of the Italian armed forces

The ranks of the Italian armed forces according to STANAG 2116 (6) of February 25, 2010 identify the members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Carabinieri of the Forze Armate Italiane .
The following badges of rank have been in use since 1973.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OF-10 | Generals |
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( General ) | (General) | (General) (Mobilization of War) |
OF-9 |
Generale di Corpo d'Armata con incarichi speciali (Lieutenant General with special position) |
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(General) | (General) | (General) (Mobilization of War) |
OF-8 |
Generale di Corpo d'Armata (Tenente Generale) |
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Lieutenant General | Lieutenant General | Corps commander |
OF-7 |
Generale di Divisione (Maggior Generale) |
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Major general | Major general | Divisional officer |
OF-6 |
Generale di Brigata (Brigadier Generale) |
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Brigadier General | Brigadier | Brigadier |
OF-5 | Colonnello |
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Colonel | Colonel | Colonel |
OF-4 | Tenente Colonnello |
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Lieutenant colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Lieutenant colonel |
OF-3 | Maggiore |
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major | major | major |
OF-2 | Primo Capitano |
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Chief of Staff | - | - |
OF-2 | Capitano |
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Captain | Captain | Captain |
OF-1 | Tenente |
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Oberleutnant (actually "lieutenant") | First lieutenant | First lieutenant |
OF-1 | Sottotenente |
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Lieutenant (actually sub-lieutenant ) | lieutenant | lieutenant |
The ranks are grouped into three rank groups: generals , staff officers and a group in which the captains and lieutenants are combined. The rank of Sottotenente literally means subordinate , the tenente is therefore actually a lieutenant. Troop service officers of the ruolo normal who have graduated from the Accademia Militare di Modena hold the rank of sottotenente during their specialist training and are promoted to tenente shortly before the completion of the five-year officer training . Depending on the subject, the two grades mentioned are also given to graduates ( Masters ) from civil universities, who are hired directly if there is a particular need. In the case of the specialist officers of the ruolo speciale , who are selected from among particularly capable non-commissioned officers (provided they have a university entrance qualification and are no more than 34 years old), the Sottotenente is not directly related to a training phase.
The Italian army also knew the rank of Primo Tenente (first lieutenant) in the past. The staff captain ( Primo Capitano ) is a periodically recurring appearance and is currently only very rarely awarded (twelve years in the rank of captain and no promotion to major).
Medical officers add the suffix medico to their rank . Generals in the areas of medical services, technical support, logistics and administration have the following special ranks while retaining the above badges: Tenente Generale (Lieutenant General), Maggior Generale (Major General) and Brigadier Generale (Brigadier General).
The Brigadier Generale is more recent. In the past the Maggior Generale had only one star, the Tenente Generale two stars. Until the First World War, the latter were in use as general ranks together with the highest-ranking Generale d'Esercito ("Army General", three stars). The three special general ranks mentioned in the above list temporarily became the standard for army generals again from 1997 to 2004, then, due to a lack of general acceptance, they returned to the distinction between special and general general ranks. The designation of the general general ranks according to the major units that the respective generals can command is also common in France, for example, and with the brigadier general also to some extent in Germany and many other countries. According to the literal translation, the latter is followed by the “Divisionsgeneral” and the “(Army) Corpsgeneral”. The terms are otherwise similar to those used in Switzerland.
Typical identification Italian Generale is the so-called greca , one of Sardinia-Piedmont derived Mäanderornament that graced in the past Headgear and collar and was introduced with the reform of 1973 as element of rank insignia. Before that, the general stars were on a silver background. In the course of the reform of 1973, the rank badges of the staff officers received the corona muralis , a wall crown , instead of the previous braid around the edge of the epaulets. During the Second World War, the officers had rank badges on their sleeves, which were similar to those of the Navy and the Air Force and can still be seen on the dark gala uniforms today . A special feature of the officers' ranks is the possible red border around the stars. If all stars have a red border, the officer in question also leads a unit or an association. If the top star is outlined in red, the officer has a special position. This star outlined in red is that of the next highest rank, which is not awarded. The best-known example is the lieutenant general in a special position who, in addition to his three actual stars, has the fourth functional star outlined in red. As a rule, these are the Army Chief of Staff, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense or lieutenant general who take on the duties of a four-star general in NATO or other areas . In 2010 this one rank was exceptionally assigned the NATO rank code OF-9, which puts him on a par with the real four-star generals in NATO, although he otherwise remains Lieutenant General. The general rank introduced in 1997 (formerly OF-9, since 2010 OF-10) is reserved for the Chief of Staff of the armed forces. If the latter becomes chairman of the military committee of NATO or the EU , there can be more than one four-star general in exceptional cases. This rank replaces the Army General ( Generale d'Armata ), who was abolished after the Second World War . The rank of Marshal of Italy was also abolished after the Second World War and was never reintroduced (although de facto replaced by the General as OF-10 in 2010 ).
Giuseppe Valotto , Lieutenant General in a special position
Rank badge Colonel in an Alpini hat
Cadet of the Scuola Militare Nunziatella
There are special rank badges for officer candidates of the Accademia Militare di Modena . The basis is the abbreviation AU ( Allievo Ufficiale ), up to three angles can be added. The name ensign ( Alfiere ) is only used for standard bearers . Abbreviations are also used for the rank badges of the cadets of the two military high schools in Milan and Naples.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OR-9 | Luogoten duck |
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Oberstabsfeldwebel ( Sergeant Lieutenant ) | Vice Lieutenant | Chief adjutant |
OR-9 | Primo Maresciallo |
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Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Chief adjutant |
OR-9 | Maresciallo Capo |
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Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Staff adjutant |
OR-8 | Maresciallo Ordinario |
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Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
OR-8 | Maresciallo |
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Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
OR-7 | Sergeant Maggiore Capo |
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Sergeant Major | Staff sergeant | Hauptfeldweibel , Fourier , Feldweibel |
OR-6 | Sergeant Maggiore |
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Oberfeldwebel , Feldwebel | Sergeant major | Sergeant , sergeant |
OR-5 | Sergeant |
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Staff Sergeant , Sergeant | Constable | ( Corporal ) |
The NCOs are divided into two rank groups. The Marescialli are comparable to the German NCOs with portepee , the sergeants with the NCOs without portepee, even if the latter cover parts of the German sergeant ranks. In the past, with an elementary school diploma, after eight years in the ranks of Sergeant and Sergente Maggiore (for example as deputy platoon leader), you could continue your path as a portepee sergeant . In the mid-1990s, the two grade groups were decoupled from each other. Since then, civilians with a university entrance qualification can apply for direct entry into the Maresciallo career. The training takes place at the NCO school in Viterbo . In addition, a three-year bachelor's degree in economics and organizational sciences has to be completed there in cooperation with the University of Tuscia . As a rule, after the end of the second year of training, promotion to Maresciallo takes place , after two more years promotion to Maresciallo Ordinario . These Portepee NCOs, as platoon leaders and specialists, take on tasks that were previously reserved almost exclusively for officers. For this reason, they are often compared to warrant officers or appear as such in NATO rank codes and press releases. Italy, however, has no career path between NCOs and officers, and there are no warrants or other patents of the head of state that confer an officer-like status. In order to take these circumstances into account, the Maresciallo ranks were assigned the NATO rank codes OR-8 and OR-9, but not the codes WO 1 to 5.
As part of the career reform, the Maresciallo ranks were renamed as follows:
Old rank | New rank | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
Aiutante di Battaglia | Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente | Sergeant Major | Vice Lieutenant | Chief adjutant |
(Aiutante di Battaglia) | Primo Maresciallo | Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Chief adjutant |
Maresciallo Maggiore | Maresciallo Capo | Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Staff adjutant |
Maresciallo Capo | Maresciallo Ordinario | Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
Maresciallo Ordinario | Maresciallo | Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
Before the reform, according to STANAG 2116, the lower three Maresciallo ranks were on an equal footing with the German sergeant major, the Aiutante di Battaglia , a rank awarded only in wartime, the staff sergeant and senior staff sergeant. Before the badge reform in 1973, the stripes on the epaulettes were worn vertically.
The sergeants, who were increased by one rank ( Sergente Maggiore Capo ), are still non-commissioned officers, but de facto form a group with the teams and are their career goal. A promotion to the superior NCO career is possible with probation and passing a selection process. Teams that apply for the superior NCO career must prove their university entrance qualification, more experienced sergeants need above-average performance for the application, but no university entrance qualification. In this case, further training is shortened.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OR-4 | Caporalmaggiore Capo Scelto |
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Corporal Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Caporalmaggiore Capo |
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Corporal Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Caporalmaggiore Scelto |
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Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Primo Caporalmaggiore |
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Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-3 | Caporalmaggiore |
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Corporal , Corporal | corporal | Corporal |
OR-2 | Caporale |
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Private | Private | Soldier (private) |
OR-1 | Soldato |
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soldier | recruit | recruit |
Here, as in other armies, the soldato rank is only a collective term for the lowest ranks of the various branches of service . It is replaced, for example, by Alpino , Bersagliere or Grenatiers , i.e. mountain hunters , riflemen or grenadiers .
For a long time, only four ranks were known in the Italian army: Soldato (see above), Soldato Scelto (about "Obersoldat"), Caporale (private) and Caporale Maggiore (Obergefreiter, Hauptgefreiter). With the introduction of the professional army, one rank was abolished ( Soldato Scelto ) and five new crew ranks (including the now abolished Caporale Scelto ) introduced. This was considered appropriate as a performance incentive for long-term volunteers and professional soldiers. This de facto resulted in the formation of two grade groups. For volunteers with a one or four year commitment period ( Volontario in Ferma Prefissata - VFP1 / 4) the lower three ranks are provided, which form the group of the militari di truppa or the teams in the narrower sense. The upper four ranks are reserved for professional soldiers ( Volontario in Servizio Permanente - VSP), which are summarized under the designation graduato , which corresponds in the broadest sense to the Austrian batches . A promotion to non-commissioned officer without a portepee is possible and also the career goal of the VSP soldiers. The VFP regular soldiers who switch to the Carabinieri or comparable organizations after their commitment period must start again with the lowest team rank. However, this is on a par with the Primo Caporalmaggiore of the Army in every respect .
Uniform: colors and emblems
Italian military personnel (including members of police forces with combatant status) wear two stars on their collars (so-called activity stars ) as a sign of their membership in the armed forces . In the army, these are integrated into the two collar tabs on the uniform , if the latter are available. With the Carabinieri (silver braid-shaped collar tabs or ornaments for officers) and the Guardia di Finanza (yellow collar tabs in the shape of a tongue of flames), this is always the case with service suits . The affiliation to a branch of arms (possibly including the regiment) is shown by the emblem on the headgear and by the collar tabs . Instead of the emblem, generals wear a stylized standard from the Roman era on their headgear and have no collar tabs in the army. In the army, the beret color is usually black, regardless of the weapon colors , exceptions are the paratroopers ( burgundy red ), the special forces (gray-green), the lagunari (lagoon green), the army aviators and the airmobile troops (blue). Grenadiers , Alpini , Bersaglieri and members of the " Artillery Regiment on Horseback " have ( under certain circumstances) special headgear.
The collar tabs of the Italian army can take on quite complex features. They either have a rectangular shape and / or that of stylized tongues of fire (based on the widespread garnet problems). The color of the infantry is basically scarlet (flame-shaped collar tabs with two tongues). The regiments of the (mechanized) " line infantry " have their own colors (in rectangular collar tabs without tongues), which they inherited from the brigades to which they belonged until 1919. The collar tab of the grenadiers looks very similar to that of the German artillery . The collar tabs of the Bersaglieri are crimson, those of the Alpini green, those of the paratroopers light blue, those of the Lagunari scarlet. The members of the cavalry, as far as they do not belong to individual regiments, have orange collar tabs, which here always have the shape of a flame with three tongues. The regiments of the line have their own colors. The color of the armored troops, which today belong to the cavalry, is blue-red (rectangular shape with two red tongues on a blue background). The weapon color of the artillery (including air defense and NBC defense ) and the engineer force is black. Here, in addition to the black color (a tongue with a yellow border in the artillery, with a crimson-red border in the pioneers), the color of the branch of arms supported by the respective artillery or pioneer unit (e.g. black-green: mountain artillery, black-blue: airborne pioneers; partly also black with the colors of the superordinate large association). The combat pioneers ( genio guastatori ) also have a stylized grenade with a gladius on their collar tabs . This mixed method is also used by the telecommunications service (two blue tongues with a red border), in the field of logistics (two black tongues of fire with a blue border) and medical services (one red tongue; for the veterinarians light blue). The staff in the administrative area has rectangular collar tabs that are completely blue. Those of the Army engineers are completely black, but some have special badges that indicate special areas of responsibility. The army aviators have light blue collar tabs on which the emblem of this troop can be seen. The collar tabs of officers in the General Staff Service have a rectangular gold emblem on a blue background.
The Navy and Air Force do not have collar tabs, but only job badges or smaller variations of other badges (such as job badges above the rank badges of men and officers in the Navy).
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | Sleeve braids | Epaulettes | German equivalent | Anglo-Saxon equivalent |
OF-10 | Ammiraglio |
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( Admiral ) |
(Admiral of the Fleet; RN ) (Fleet Admiral; USN ) |
OF-9 |
Ammiraglio di Squadra con incarichi speciali (Vice Admiral with special position) |
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(Admiral) | (Admiral) |
OF-8 |
Ammiraglio di Squadra (Ammiraglio Ispettore Capo) |
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Vice admiral | Vice Admiral |
OF-7 |
Ammiraglio di Divisione (Ammiraglio Ispettore) |
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Rear admiral | Rear Admiral (Upper Half) |
OF-6 | Contrammiraglio |
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Flotilla admiral |
Commodore (RN) Rear Admiral (Lower Half) (USN) |
OF-5 | Capitano di Vascello |
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Sea captain | Captain |
OF-4 | Capitano di Fregata |
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Frigate captain | Commander |
OF-3 | Capitano di Corvetta |
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Corvette Captain | Lieutenant Commander |
OF-2 | Primo Tenente di Vascello |
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Staff Captain Lieutenant | - |
OF-2 | Tenente di Vascello |
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Kapitänleutnant (actually "Leutnant zur See") |
Lieutenant |
OF-1 | Sottotenente di Vascello |
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Oberleutnant zur See (actually "Unterleutnant zur See") |
Sub-Lieutenant (RN) Lieutenant Junior Grade (USN) |
OF-1 | Guardiamarina |
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Lieutenant at sea |
Midshipman (RN) Ensign (USN) |
The officer candidates of the Accademia Navale are initially cadets for two years , in the third year of training they have the rank of aspirante guardiamarina , which can be compared with the German ensign and senior midshipman at sea or with the Anglo-Saxon midshipman . As in the case of the American Ensign, the Guardiamarina rank is an officer, but is generally only used in the last two years of training. After completing the five-year officer training, he is promoted to Sottotenente di Vascello (first lieutenant at sea). The literal translation is "battleship sub- lieutenant ", followed by the " lieutenant of the line " ( Tenente di Vascello , captainleutnant). The rank of Primo Tenente di Vascello (Staff Captain Lieutenant), which is relatively seldom awarded, is more recent. The Capitano di Vascello (sea captain) is actually a " ship of the line ".
In the Italian Navy there was a Viceammiraglio (Vice Admiral) until World War I. After a fourth general rank had been introduced in the army with the brigadier general , the navy looked for a similar solution. A rounding down by a commodore or a flotilla admiral finally did not take place. Instead, the vice admiral was split into a "division admiral" ( Ammiraglio di Divisione ) (OF-7) and a "squadron admiral " ( Ammiraglio di Squadra ) (OF-8). The French navy proceeded in a similar manner. Direct comparisons with German and Anglo-Saxon admiral ranks are actually not possible because of the terminological mismatch. At the international level, the Italian Navy follows the US Navy system : the Contrammiraglio corresponds to the Rear Admiral (Lower Half) , the Ammiraglio di Divisione to the Rear Admiral (Upper Half) , and the Ammiraglio di Squadra to the Vice Admiral .
Until 1997, the "Vice Admiral (Amm. Sq.) In special position" was the highest rank in the Italian Navy with his fourth functional star or stripe outlined in red. As a rule, only the Chief of the Admiralty's Staff and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense (if from the Navy) have him. He was and is also intended for high NATO posts. In 2010, this one rank was exceptionally assigned the NATO rank code OF-9, which puts him on a par with the real admirals and four-star generals in NATO , whereby he otherwise remains vice admiral. The Ammiraglio rank introduced in 1997 (formerly OF-9, since 2010 OF-10) is reserved for the Chief of Staff of the armed forces, provided that he comes from the Navy. The rank of Grand Admiral only existed during fascism .
Former fleet commander , Vice Admiral Giovanni Lertora
There are two exceptions to the Italian admiralty ranks. Admirals of the medical service, naval engineers, technical and administrative departments and the coast guard have the names Ammiraglio Ispettore and Ammiraglio Ispettore Capo instead of the names Ammiraglio di Divisione and Ammiraglio di Squadra . The staff and subaltern officers of the naval engineers wore army ranks with the addition GN ( Genio Navale ) until 1973, while retaining their above rank badges . The edges of the officers' rank badges have different colors depending on their affiliation to the various branches of service or service.
In addition to the different colored edges of the rank badges shown here, there are a few others. The border is black for seafaring, command and naval aviation, light green for the coast guard and purple for the military chaplains.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | American equivalent |
OR-9 | Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente |
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Chief of Staff | Fleet / Force Master Chief Petty Officer |
OR-9 | Primo Maresciallo |
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Chief of Staff | Command Master Chief Petty Officer |
OR-9 | Capo di 1ª classe |
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Chief of Staff | Master Chief Petty Officer |
OR-8 | Capo di 2ª classe |
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Staff Captain | Senior Chief Petty Officer |
OR-8 | Capo di 3ª classe |
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Staff Captain | Senior Chief Petty Officer |
OR-7 | Secondo Capo Scelto |
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Chief Boatswain | Chief Petty Officer |
OR-6 | Secondo capo |
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Captain , boatswain | Petty Officer First Class |
OR-5 | Sergeant |
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Chief Mate , Mate | Petty Officer Second Class |
While in the other branches of the armed forces for NCOs with portepee the designation Maresciallo with various additions is used, in the Navy the designation Capo (for example "Chef" or "Chief") is common for the respective equivalents . The two highest NCO ranks listed here were only introduced a few years ago as part of career reforms, strangely enough in the form of the other branches of the armed forces. This corresponds to the trend of associating the less well-known NCOs of the Navy with those of other branches of the armed forces. With the career reforms , the rank of Secondo Capo scelto was introduced, which belongs to the non-commissioned officers.
In the mid-1990s, the two grade groups were decoupled from each other. Since then, civilians with university entrance qualifications have been able to apply for direct entry into the Portepee NCO career. In addition to military training (including on the sailing training ship Palinuro ), a three-year bachelor's degree must be completed. As a rule, at the end of the second year of training, the promotion to Capo di 3ª Classe takes place , after two further years promotion to Capo 2ª Classe . These Portepee NCOs take on management and specialist tasks that were previously reserved almost exclusively for officers. For this reason, they are often compared to warrant officers or appear as such in NATO rank codes and press releases. Italy, however, has no career path between NCOs and officers, and there are no warrants or other patents of the head of state that confer an officer-like status. In order to take these circumstances into account, the Portepee NCOs were assigned the NATO rank codes OR-8 and OR-9, but not the codes WO 1 to 5.
The non-commissioned officers without portepee are the career goal of the teams. A promotion to the superior NCO career is possible with probation and passing a selection process. Teams that apply for the superior NCO career must prove that they have a university entrance qualification, more experienced NCOs without a portfolio need above-average performance for the application, but no university entrance qualification. In this case, further training is shortened.
NCOs with and without porters have the opportunity to apply for the special career of specialist officers (ruolo speciale) , which roughly corresponds to the German military service . Prerequisites for participation in the selection process are outstanding performance, university entrance qualification, a certain minimum period of service and a maximum age of 34 years. The later takeover as a troop service officer (ruolo normal) is very rare .
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | American equivalent |
OR-4 | Sottocapo di 1ª classe scelto |
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Corporal Corporal | Petty Officer Third Class |
OR-4 | Sottocapo di 1ª classe |
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Corporal Corporal | Petty Officer Third Class |
OR-4 | Sottocapo di 2ª classe |
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Corporal | Petty Officer Third Class |
OR-4 | Sottocapo di 3ª class |
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Corporal | Petty Officer Third Class |
OR-3 | Sottocapo |
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Corporal , Corporal | Seaman |
OR-2 | Comune di 1ª class |
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Private | Seaman Apprentice |
OR-1 | Comune di 2ª class |
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sailor | Seaman recruit |
Even the Italian Navy did not know the four top crew ranks shown here until a few years ago. They were introduced in the course of career reforms and the suspension of compulsory military service in order to provide professional soldiers with performance incentives at the team level. Their career goals are the above-mentioned NCOs without portepee, although further promotion is possible under the conditions already mentioned.
According to an old custom, the private and the sailors are called " common " first and second class. Like the comparable ranks of the other branches of the armed forces (soldier, aviator), the sailors do not have a rank badge, but usually only an activity or function badge (see usage series ). These function badges can supplement the rank badge for the other team ranks and for the NCOs. Below is a selection:
air force
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OF-10 | Generals |
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( General ) | (General) | (General) (Mobilization of War) |
OF-9 |
Generale di Squadra Aerea con incarichi speciali (Lieutenant General with special position) |
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(General) | (General) | (General) (Mobilization of War) |
OF-8 |
Generale di Squadra Aerea (Generale Ispettore Capo) |
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Lieutenant General | Lieutenant General | Corps commander |
OF-7 |
Generale di Divisione Aerea (Generale Ispettore) |
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Major general | Major general | Divisional officer |
OF-6 |
Generale di Brigata Aerea (Brigadier Generale) |
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Brigadier General | Brigadier | Brigadier |
OF-5 | Colonnello |
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Colonel | Colonel | Colonel |
OF-4 | Tenente Colonnello |
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Lieutenant colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Lieutenant colonel |
OF-3 | Maggiore |
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major | major | major |
OF-2 | Primo Capitano |
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Chief of Staff | - | - |
OF-2 | Capitano |
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Captain | Captain | Captain |
OF-1 | Tenente |
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Oberleutnant (actually "lieutenant") | First lieutenant | First lieutenant |
OF-1 | Sottotenente |
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Lieutenant (actually sub-lieutenant ) | lieutenant | lieutenant |
The rank badges of officers in the Italian Air Force are similar to those of the Navy. As with the navy, they can be seen on the sleeves of the service suit, on the shoulder flaps of the small service suit, and on the left chest of the overalls together with the squadron coat of arms . Apart from minor modifications, the rank designations correspond to those of the Army. The ranks are also grouped into three rank groups: generals , staff officers and a group in which the captains and lieutenants are combined. The rank of Sottotenente literally means subordinate , the tenente is therefore actually a lieutenant. With a few exceptions, the sub-lieutenant is only used with officers who are in the second section of officer training. After successfully completing the training, you will be promoted to tenent . The staff captain ( Primo Capitano ) is a more recent invention and is very rarely given.
Pilots carry the suffix Pilota for their rank , medical officers the suffix Medico . Generals in the areas of medical services, technical support, logistics and administration hold the following special ranks while retaining the above badges: Generale Ispettore Capo (Lieutenant General), Generale Ispettore (Major General) and Brigadier Generale (Brigadier General). The designation of the general general ranks according to the major units that the respective generals can command is also common in France, for example, and with the brigadier general also to some extent in Germany and many other countries.
As in the case of the Army and Navy, the two highest officer ranks in the Italian Air Force were abolished after the Second World War. These were the " Air Marshal " ( Maresciallo dell'Aria ) (OF-10) and the Generale d'Armata Aerea (OF-9). Until the reform of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in 1997, the "Lieutenant General in Special Service" remained the highest rank (OF-8). In addition to its three actual stripes, it has what is known as a fourth functional stripe, which is outlined in red. Usually, these are the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense or lieutenant general who take on the duties of a four-star general in NATO or in other areas . In 2010 this one rank was exceptionally assigned the NATO rank code OF-9, which puts him on a par with the real four-star generals in NATO, although he otherwise remains Lieutenant General. The general rank introduced in 1997 (formerly OF-9, since 2010 OF-10) is reserved for the Chief of Staff of the armed forces. If the latter becomes chairman of the military committee of NATO or the EU , there can be more than one four-star general in exceptional cases.
Middle: Overall as used by the Italian Air Force (here naval aviators of a mixed association in Sigonella )
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OR-9 | Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente |
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Oberstabsfeldwebel ( Sergeant Lieutenant ) | Vice Lieutenant | Chief adjutant |
OR-9 | Primo Maresciallo |
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Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Chief adjutant |
OR-9 | Maresciallo di 1ª class |
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Sergeant Major | Officer deputy | Staff adjutant |
OR-8 | Maresciallo di 2ª class |
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Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
OR-8 | Maresciallo di 3ª class |
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Staff Sergeant | Chief Staff Sergeant | Adjutant non-commissioned officer |
OR-7 | Sergeant Maggiore Capo |
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Sergeant Major | Staff sergeant | Hauptfeldweibel , Fourier , Feldweibel |
OR-6 | Sergeant Maggiore |
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Oberfeldwebel , Feldwebel | Sergeant major | Sergeant , sergeant |
OR-5 | Sergeant |
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Staff Sergeant , Sergeant | Constable | ( Corporal ) |
The NCOs are divided into two rank groups. The Marescialli are comparable to the German NCOs with portepee , the sergeants with the NCOs without portepee, even if the latter cover parts of the German sergeant ranks. In the past, with an elementary school diploma, after eight years in the ranks of Sergeant and Sergente Maggiore , you could continue your path as a Portepee NCO. In the mid-1990s, the two grade groups were decoupled from each other. Since then, civilians with a university entrance qualification can apply for direct entry into the Maresciallo career. The training takes place at the NCO school in Viterbo . In addition, a three-year bachelor's degree has to be completed there in cooperation with the University of Tuscia . As a rule, at the end of the second year of training, the promotion to the Maresciallo di 3ª Classe takes place , after two further years promotion to the Maresciallo di 2ª Classe . Due to these innovations, the Marescialli are often compared to Warrant Officers or appear as such in NATO rank codes and press releases. Italy, however, has no career path between NCOs and officers, and there are no warrants or other patents of the head of state that confer an officer-like status. In order to take these circumstances into account, the Maresciallo ranks were assigned the NATO rank codes OR-8 and OR-9, but not the codes WO 1 to 5.
Before the reform, according to STANAG 2116, the lower three Maresciallo ranks were on an equal footing with the German sergeant major, the Aiutante di Battaglia , a rank awarded only in wartime, the staff sergeant and senior staff sergeant. Instead of the Aiutante di Battaglia , the two ranks Primo Maresciallo (Maresciallo Aiutante) and Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente were introduced.
The sergeants, who were increased by one rank ( Sergente Maggiore Capo ), are still non-commissioned officers, but de facto form a group with the teams and are their career goal. A promotion to the superior NCO career is possible with probation and passing a selection process. Teams that apply for the superior NCO career must prove their university entrance qualification, more experienced sergeants need above-average performance for the application, but no university entrance qualification. In this case, further training is shortened.
NCOs with and without porters have the opportunity to apply for the special career of specialist officers (ruolo speciale) , which roughly corresponds to the German military service . Prerequisites for participation in the selection process are outstanding performance, university entrance qualification, a certain minimum period of service and a maximum age of 34 years. The later takeover as a troop service officer (ruolo normal) is very rare .
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German equivalent | Austrian equivalent | Swiss equivalent |
OR-4 | Primo Aviere Capo Scelto |
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Corporal Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Primo Aviere Capo |
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Corporal Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Primo Aviere Scelto |
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Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-4 | Aviere Capo |
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Corporal | Platoon leader | corporal |
OR-3 | Primo Aviere |
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Corporal , Corporal | corporal | Corporal |
OR-2 | Aviere Scelto |
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Private | Private | Soldier (private) |
OR-1 | Aviere | no badge | Aviator | recruit | recruit |
The Italian Air Force also did not know the four top crew ranks shown here until a few years ago. They were introduced in the course of career reforms and the suspension of compulsory military service in order to provide professional soldiers with performance incentives at the team level. Their career goals are the above-mentioned NCOs without portepee, although further promotion is possible under the conditions already mentioned.
In contrast to the army, there are no collar tabs in the Italian air force, but rather badges of activity or function as in the navy.
The ranks of the Carabinieri largely correspond to those of the Army. You can also find them at other police organizations such as the Guardia di Finanza . Deviations result from different uniform colors. In general, the following rank badges (especially those of the officers) are also used by civil state and municipal police organizations, but the ranks then have different names ("Commissioner" or "Inspector", see: ranks of the Italian police forces ).
In general, comparisons with police organizations in Germany result in greater difficulties. In Italy, as in Germany, career reforms abolished ordinary service on the train , but in different ways. In Italy the previous ranks were retained; only internal career changes were made. This also applies to a large extent to the armed forces mentioned above, with whose ranks the respective Carabinieri ranks are generally on the same level. These circumstances are further cemented by STANAG 2116. How this affects rank comparisons is described in the following sections. To avoid further complications, reference is made to the Army section for comparisons with Austria and Switzerland .
In the table below, the comparison is somewhat poor, as the top ranks in the Federal Police can only be partially compared with German and Italian generals. Therefore, the grades are given on the German side .
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German military equivalent | German police equivalent |
OF-9 |
Generale di Corpo d'Armata con incarichi speciali (Lieutenant General with special position) Commanding General General Commander of the Carabinieri |
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( General , Lieutenant General ) (B9 Z) | President of the Federal Police Headquarters (B 9) |
OF-8 | Generale di Corpo d'Armata |
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Lieutenant General (B9) | Vice President at the Federal Police Headquarters (B 6) |
OF-7 | Generale di Divisione |
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Major General (B 7) | President of a Federal Police Directorate (B 4) |
OF-6 | Generale di Brigata |
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Brigadier General (B 6) | Director in the Federal Police (B 3) |
OF-5 | Colonnello |
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Colonel (A 16 / B 3) | Chief Police Director (A 16) |
OF-4 | Tenente Colonnello |
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Lieutenant Colonel (A 15 / A 14) |
Police Director (A 15) Higher Police Council (A 14) |
OF-3 | Maggiore |
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Major (A 13) | Police Council (A 13) |
OF-2 | Primo Capitano |
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Staff Captain (A 13) | First Police Chief Inspector (A 13) |
OF-2 | Capitano |
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Captain (A 12 / A 11) | Police chief inspector (A 12 / A 11) |
OF-1 | Tenente |
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First Lieutenant (A 10) | Police High Commissioner (A 10) |
OF-1 | Sottotenente |
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Lieutenant (A 9) | Police Commissioner (A 9) |
As in the case of the other branches of the armed forces, the commanding general of the Carabinieri is a “lieutenant general in special position”, whose fourth functional star has a red border. In contrast to the other branches of the armed forces, the Carabinieri do not know a real four-star general , as this rank is reserved for the chief of staff of the armed forces, for which Carabinieri generals are not intended. There are essentially no differences between the other officer ranks and the army. The Sottotenente literally turn translates a second lieutenant , the lieutenant therefore actually lieutenant.
With the Carabinieri (and comparable military organizations) there is no direct entry into the rank of major, as is the case in Germany with the higher service . Prospective Carabinieri officers are trained at the Accademia Militare di Modena for two years and then receive the rank of "Unterleutnant" (lieutenant). In this rank followed three years of training at the officer college of the Carabinieri in Rome and then the promotion to "lieutenant" (first lieutenant). Therefore, the "Unterleutnant" is only used in the context of training, the "Lieutenant" is consequently the entry into a career comparable to the higher service. The Carabinieri lieutenants soon take on leadership tasks and then usually remain company commander for a long time as captain . As such, they are subordinate to several Carabinieri stations, which are headed by higher NCOs ( Marescialli ). A lieutenant or a captain of the Carabinieri is comparable in form and status with German officers of the same rank, but less so with German police commissioners when it comes to their tasks.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German military equivalent | German police equivalent |
OR-9 | Maresciallo Luogotenente |
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Oberstabsfeldwebel (A 9Z) |
Police chief (A 9, with official allowance) (with functions of a police commissioner ) |
OR-9 | Maresciallo Aiutante |
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Oberstabsfeldwebel (A 9Z) | Police chief (A 9, with official allowance) (with functions of a police commissioner) |
OR-9 | Maresciallo Capo |
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Oberstabsfeldwebel (A 9Z) | Police chief (A 9, with official allowance) |
OR-8 | Maresciallo Ordinario |
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Staff Sergeant (A 9) | Police chief (A 9) |
OR-8 | Maresciallo |
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Staff Sergeant (A 9) | Police chief (A 9) (only in training) |
OR-7 | Brigadiers Capo, "qualifica speciale" (Q) |
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Hauptfeldwebel (A 8Z) | Chief Police Officer (A 8) |
OR-7 | Brigadiers Capo |
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Hauptfeldwebel (A 8Z) | Chief Police Officer (A 8) |
OR-6 | Brigadiers |
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Oberfeldwebel (A 7Z), Sergeant (A 7) | Police Master (A 7) |
OR-5 | Vice Brigadiers |
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Staff NCO (A 7 / A 6), NCO (A 5) | Police master (A 7), police chief sergeant (A 5) (in Germany only candidates ) |
Here, too, as with the other branches of the armed forces, the two rank groups have been decoupled. Civilians with a university entrance qualification can apply for direct entry into the Maresciallo career. As a rule, at the end of the second year of training, promotion to Maresciallo takes place , and after two more years promotion to Maresciallo Ordinario . The training provides for a three-year bachelor's degree . The graduates take on specialist or managerial tasks, later especially as station commanders. In terms of form, status and STANAG 2116, these NCOs can be compared with German staff sergeants and senior staff sergeants, who, because of their salary according to A 9 (official allowance) , can be placed on the same level as parts of the higher service . Because of their training and their tasks, the Maresciallo ranks can be compared with German police commissioners or with Anglo-Saxon warrant officers .
According to STANAG 2116, the other NCOs ( Brigadieri ) correspond to the other German sergeant ranks and the NCOs without porterage and thus the remaining German police ranks of the middle service . The Brigadieri are non-commissioned officers in every respect, but in fact they form a group with the crews and are their career goals. A promotion to the superior NCO career is possible with probation and passing a selection process. Teams that apply for the superior NCO career must prove their university entrance qualification, more experienced brigadieri need above-average performance for the application, but no university entrance qualification. In this case, further training is shortened.
NCOs have the opportunity to apply for the special career of specialist officers (ruolo speciale) , which roughly corresponds to the German military service . For participation in the relevant selection process, stricter admission requirements apply compared to the other branches of the armed forces.
NATO - Ranking Code | Italian rank | badge | German military equivalent |
OR-4 | Appuntato Scelto, "qualifica speciale" (Q) |
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Corporal Corporal |
OR-4 | Appuntato Scelto |
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Corporal Corporal |
OR-4 | Appuntato |
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Corporal Corporal |
OR-4 | Carabiniere Scelto |
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Corporal |
OR-4 | Carabiniere |
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Corporal |
In the field of men, the equivalents of the lowest three men’s ranks in the army do not apply , since the simple service with the Carabinieri no longer exists. The lowest rank in the police is now on the same level as the corporal (OR-4) ( Primo Caporalmaggiore ) of the army. Since the corporal corporal (A5) and the corporal corporal (A5Z) are linked to salary law with the rank of sergeant (A5) and the salary group A5 can still be associated with the middle service, it is formally possible to assign the Carabinieri team ranks to all former Bringing German police sergeant ranks in connection, provided that these are or have been at least in terms of salary law on a level with preparatory or entry offices of the middle service.
In substance, however, the Carabinieri crew ranks should be seen on a par with police masters, since they correspond to these according to the areas of responsibility. In contrast to the old career regulations with simple service and direct entry, it is now the case that candidates for the team career were previously temporary soldiers in other branches of the armed forces ("simple service") and usually have several years of military professional and often international experience.
Handover of command on the Quirinal with President Giorgio Napolitano
Rank comparison: Brigadier General of the Guardia di Finanza
Web links
- Army ranks
- Navy ranks
- Air Force ranks
- Carabinieri ranks
- Guardia di Finanza ranks
- Ranks of the Polizia di Stato
- ↑ Ranks of the Italian armed forces and corresponding NATO rank codes according to STANAG 2116, Edition 6, from February 25, 2010. Table of the General Staff of the Armed Forces on difesa.it This table takes into account in particular the reclassification of "Lieutenant General / Vice Admiral with special position" in OF- 9, but not (as in this updated article) the later abolition of the Caporale Scelto .