General Command

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Staff General Command - Stander - (1871-1918)

In the Bavarian , Prussian , Saxon and Württemberg armies before and during the First World War, as well as in the Wehrmacht at the time of National Socialism, General Command was the name for the command and administrative authority of an army corps and the associated corps district. The commander of the general command was a commanding general .


Commanding generals were usually the rank of general of infantry and cavalry or artillery . Since until the First World War in peacetime military formations above the corps level ( army , army group ) were not known and the corps were led directly by their military commanders, they enjoyed an outstanding position in the military and state structure; among other things, they were entitled to immediate law with the German emperor or sovereign prince.

Seal of the General Command Guard Reserve Corps


The commanding general was assisted by a staff department consisting of the chief of staff , a few general staff officers and adjutants . In the event of war, the staff was expanded to include an artillery general and a senior engineer officer with his own staff.

Helped in administrative matters and other official duties

All of these persons formed the general command. Less important orders, which the commanding general did not sign himself, were issued by the general command and signed by the chief of staff.

When a general command was mobilized, a " Deputy General Command " was formed in the associated corps district or military district, which took over the territorial tasks of the General Command. The Deputy General Command was in command of the Deputy Commanding General . During the First World War, from 1916 general commands z. b. V. ( General Commands for Special Use ) established. These were pure command posts; the military units were assigned to them as required.

See also


  • Wilhelm Deist: Requirements for domestic political action by the military in the First World War . In: Wilhelm Deist: Military, State and Society. Munich: Oldenburg, 1991.
  • Georg Tessin : Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in World War II 1939–1945. Volume 2. The Land Forces 1–5 . 2nd Edition. Biblio-Verlag, Bissendorf 1973, ISBN 3-7648-0871-3 .

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