Police Chief Candidate

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Police officer candidate (abbreviation PMAnw or PMA ) is the title of a candidate for the middle police enforcement service in the German police . You are doing preparatory service (training).

In Bavaria, after one year, you are promoted to police sergeant ( salary group A5 ), in other countries (e.g. Baden-Württemberg) and with the federal police , the official title is kept until the end of the preparatory service. The candidate is then appointed directly to the chief of police .

The rights of the candidate are regulated differently. In some countries the civil servant does not yet have enforcement rights, he can only avail himself of everyone's rights . In other countries he is a full-fledged police officer during the internship. The training takes place in almost all countries with the riot police (often combined with internships with the police ). Only in a few countries is training carried out exclusively at police schools.

The activity of a PMAnw is therefore usually limited to the service in a location of the riot police , where he is to acquire the qualification for the career test of the middle police force.

Police chief candidates receive candidate salaries. The rank badge is designed differently depending on the country (see pictures). An overview of the handling in the federal states is available under the official names of the German police .

→ See also official titles of the German police