Police sergeant major

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Police Oberwachtmeister (abbreviation POW ) is the service designation of a candidate for the 2nd qualification level or 3rd qualification level in the Bavarian police . You are doing preparatory service (training or studies).

After the candidates have passed the first level of education, they are from the police chief candidates / Police Commissioner candidates promoted to police sergeant. In other countries, the first promotion takes place at the end of the training directly to the police chief / police superintendent, there is no police sergeant.

After passing the qualification test of the 2nd QE, the promotion to the police master ( salary group A7 ) takes place, in the 3rd QE the promotion to the police commissioner (salary group A9 ).

A police sergeant has all the rights and obligations of a law enforcement officer . One restriction, however, is that he is not yet an investigator for the public prosecutor's office ; so he may z. B. not yet order house searches in the event of imminent danger . The training takes place with the riot police , the studies at a police college . During the 3rd phase of training, the officers of the 2nd QE complete a one-month internship with the police ; During the 4th phase of training (formerly 2nd level, corresponds to the 2nd year of training) the officers complete an internship of 3 months with the police. Similar internships are also available for the senior service.

The activity of a POW is therefore usually limited to the service in a location of the riot police , where he is to acquire the qualification test of the 2nd or 3rd QE of the police enforcement service. However, a POW can also be used for closed operations by the riot police and then acts as a police officer, just as in the case of preparatory internships.

Police sergeants are included in grade A5 and probationary officials in the 2nd qualification level. In the 3rd qualification level they remain 2 civil servants on revocation until the internship is completed. The rank badge consists of a dark blue shoulder flap with a light blue star. For officers of the 3rd QE the rank badge consists of a dark blue shoulder flap with a silver braid / stripe. There are no badges for the water police because they do not train.

Police sergeant major

Police Unterwachtmeister (1) Rottwachtmeister (2) Police Sergeant (3)
Police Oberwachtmeister or Junker ( officer candidate ) (4) Revier (district) Oberwachtmeister and Zug Oberwachtmeister (5) Police chief sergeant or junior officer (officer candidate ) (6) Police Master (7)

Police Oberwachtmeister was an official title in the time of National Socialism above the candidate, police Unterwachtmeister and Rottwachtmeister. Junkers as officer candidates had the same shoulder boards as police sergeants.

See also