Chief of Staff

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The staff captain has been a rank of the Bundeswehr since 1993 and was this in earlier German armies until the middle of the 18th century.

armed forces

Chief of Staff
Rank badge on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for army uniforms of the artillery troops. Rank badge on the epaulette of the jacket of the service suit for air force uniform wearers.

Rank badge

Rank group Captains
NATO rank code OF-2
Rank Army / Air Force Chief of Staff
Marine rank Staff Captain Lieutenant
Abbreviation (in lists) StHptm (SH)
Grade A 13 according to BBesO

The rank of staff captain is determined by the Federal President with the order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers on the basis of the Soldiers Act .

Authority to command and positions

In the Bundeswehr, the staff captain is an officer rank who, according to the Central Service Regulation (ZDv) A-1420/24 "Ranks and Rank Groups", belongs to the rank group of the captains . Because they belong to the rank group of captains, soldiers in the rank of staff captain can issue orders to soldiers of the rank groups of men , non-commissioned officers with and without porters and lieutenants on the basis of § 4 ("Superiors relationship based on the rank of rank") of the Superiors Ordinance within the limits set there .

Staff captains are rarely used in the troops as military leaders ( company commander , platoon leader , etc.). More often, they lead to prominent posts in agencies such as (higher) command authorities , in the ministry , in offices or in military engineering departments, mostly specialist departments or specialist subdivisions that deal with specialist issues in armaments , logistics and personnel planning , material testing , material maintenance , flight operations or the air traffic control deal. On the basis of these and similar positions, soldiers with the rank of staff captain can issue orders to all soldiers who are officially or professionally subordinate in the cases listed in the superior ordinance. As unit commanders, company commanders are the disciplinary superior of the soldiers who are subordinate to them in accordance with the military disciplinary code .

Appointment, salary and age limit

The decisive legal basis for the appointment as staff captain is in the Soldiers' Career Ordinance (SLV) and in addition the Central Service Regulations (ZDv) 20/7. The rank is relatively rare in the Bundeswehr. To rank staff captain professional soldiers and can ordered reservists are appointed. The requirement is that they belong to the two career paths of officers or reserve officers in the military service . The rank can be reached at the earliest 14½ years after appointment as lieutenant and 5½ years after appointment as captain.

A Stabshauptmann, after Bundesbesoldungsgesetz order (BBesO) with A 13 remunerated .

A special age limit for soldiers with the rank of chief of staff was the completion of the 59th year of life .


On March 23, 1993, an order to change the order of the Federal President on the rank designations and uniforms of soldiers created the rank of Staff Captain for officers in the military service .

Rank badge

Sliding loops for field suit
HA OS5 44 Staff Captain PzGren.svg
LA OS5 44 Staff Captain, svg
air force

Uniform wearer area

The rank badge for staff captains shows four stars as shoulder badges .

Equivalent, subordinate and superior ranks

Only army and air force uniform bearers hold the rank of staff captain . Navy uniform bearers of the same rank hold the rank of Lieutenant Staff Captain. In the armed forces of NATO , the chief of staff is equivalent to all ranks with the NATO rank code OF-2.

According to ZDv 20/7, ZDv 14/5 and Soldiers' Career Ordinance, the staff captain is ranked one rank above the lower-ranking captain or captainleutnant (first rank designation for army and air force uniforms; second rank designation for naval uniforms). According to the Soldiers' Career Ordinance, the Staff Captain is the top rank in the two career paths for officers in the military service. Therefore, in the sense of the Soldiers' Career Ordinance, there is no higher rank in this career. In accordance with the order of the Federal President and ZDv 14/5, staff captains are assigned a rank below the higher-ranking major or corvette captain (first rank designation for army and air force uniforms; second rank designation for naval uniforms). The same-ranking captain medical officer ranks are to Approbations differently denominated Ranks direction staff physician , staff pharmacist and rod veterinary . For medical officers, the ranks of senior doctor , senior pharmacist and senior veterinarian are equal to the major .

Bundeswehr Cross Black.svg Officer rank
Lower rank   Higher rank
medical officer
staff pharmacist
staff veterinarian
Staff Captain Staff
Captain Lieutenant
Corvette Captain
Medical Officer Chief Pharmacist Chief Veterinary

Rank group : Teams-NCOs-NCO-NCOs-Lieutenant-Captains-Staff officers-Generals

Imperial and Imperial Army

Up until the first half of the 18th century, the staff captain in the German armies - in the cavalry staff cavalry officer - was a rank between first lieutenant and captain . This rank, another designation was staff captain or captain lieutenant , was usually given to the actual leaders of companies that were not also their owners .

Other forces

In other armed forces there are also prominent captain ranks, for example in Italy the primo capitano .


  1. Left: Rank badge on the shoulder flap of the jacket of the service suit for army uniforms of the artillery troops . Right: Rank badge on the shoulder flap of the jacket of the service suit for Air Force uniform wearers.
  2. ↑ In accordance with the Federal Salary Act, only three percent of the officers in the military service can achieve promotion to staff captain and the associated instruction in salary group A13 (cf. Federal Salary Act . In: Gesetz im Internet . Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, juris GmbH , May 23, 1975, accessed on November 10, 2014 (Federal Salary Act as published on June 19, 2009 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1434 ), last amended by Article 13c of the law of October 19, 2013 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 3836 ) has been changed). ). Restrictively, only 22% of all officers and candidates in the army belong to one of the careers of the military service (cf. Personnel Office of the Bundeswehr (ed.): Personalinformation 2008/2009 . As of 2008. Cologne 2009 (figures refer to the situation in the army) . ).
  3. The 14½ and 5½ year deadlines apply to flying personnel , officers in the special forces command who are used for special missions and combat swimmers . For all other officers, the ZDv 20/7 stipulates a period of 15 and six years.
  4. ZDv 20/7 on the basis of Section 44 of the Soldiers ' Career Ordinance ( Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Career Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002, Section 44 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] Newly drafted by Bek. V. 19 August 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2 Paragraph 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730). )
  5. The age limits were redefined with the Service Law Reform Act 2009, cf. especially changes regarding § 45 SG and transitional provisions according to Section 96 SG. See Act on the Reorganization and Modernization of Federal Service Law (Service Law Reform Act - DNeuG) . In: Bundesanzeiger Verlag (Hrsg.): BGBl . Part 1, G 5702. Volume 2009 , no. 7 . Bonn February 11, 2009, p. 160–275 ( Federal Law Gazette 2009 I No. 7 [accessed on November 14, 2014]).
  6. For reasons of space, shortened captions. What is meant are army uniform wearers and air force uniform wearers . The hunter-green flat braid shown next to the slip-on loop for army uniforms indicates a soldier in the armored infantry troops , infantry or special forces . In addition to the slip-on loops for the field blouse in the five-color camouflage pattern shown here on the shoulder flaps, there are a number of other types of rank badges, which are described in more detail in the article → "Rank badges of the Bundeswehr" .
  7. Officers of the military technical service cannot advance further in this career. On rare occasions, a career change may be made to another of the officer's career groups. The soldiers can then be promoted to staff officers .

Web links

Wiktionary: Staff governor  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hartmut Bagger , Command Staff of the Armed Forces I 3, Federal Ministry of Defense (Ed.): ZDv 37/10. Suit regulations for soldiers in the Bundeswehr . July 1996. Reprint from October 2008. Bonn July 16, 2008, 4 labels, p. 539 ( digital version (PDF; 3.5 MB) - reprint October 2008 replaces first edition from July 1996). Digitized version ( memento of the original from September 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, change status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, rank designations in the Bundeswehr, p. B 185 (not to be confused with the Law on the Legal Status of Soldiers (Soldiers Law) ).
  3. a b Agreed English texts. STANAG 2116 . NATO standardization agreement (STANAG) . NATO codes for grades of military personnel. 5th edition. 1992 (English, NATO Rank Codes - 1992 [accessed March 25, 2014]).
  4. a b c d e f g h The Federal President (ed.): Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of the soldiers . BPresUnifAnO. July 14, 1978 ( PDF - Order of the Federal President on the rank designations and uniforms of soldiers from July 14, 1978 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1067 ), last amended by Article 1 of the order of May 31, 1996 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 746 ) has been changed).
  5. ^ Federal Minister of Defense; Command Staff of the Armed Forces IV 1 (Ed.): Abbreviations for use in the Bundeswehr - German Abbreviations - ZDv 64/10 . Bonn January 19, 1979 ( PDF - as of September 17, 1999).
  6. a b Appendix I (to § 20, paragraph 2, sentence 1) Bundesbesoldungsgesetz orders of A and B . ( Online [accessed on March 25, 2014] Federal salary regulations (BBesO) only apply to professional and temporary soldiers and are an annex to the Federal Salary Act (BBesG)).
  7. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): Law on the legal status of soldiers (Soldiers Act - SG) . Bonn March 19, 1956, § 4 Paragraph 3 (2) - ( PDF [accessed on March 25, 2014] Revised by notice of May 30, 2005 I 1482. Last amended by Art. 1 G of April 8 2013 I 730).
  8. a b The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, amendment status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, The Superiors Ordinance, p. A 12 1 (not to be confused with the Ordinance on the Regulation of Military Superiors (Superiors Ordinance - VorgV) ).
  9. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956, § 4 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] Last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  10. Federal Minister of Defense (Ed.): Ordinance on the regulation of the military superior relationship (Superior Ordinance - VorgV) . June 4, 1956 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] last amended by Art. 1 No. 2 V of October 7, 1981 I 1129).
  11. ^ Military disciplinary code (WDO). In: Laws on the Internet . Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection , August 16, 2001, accessed on November 5, 2014 (from August 16, 2001 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2093 ), last amended by Article 7 of the Act of August 28, 2013 ( Federal Law Gazette I p . 3386 ) has been changed).
  12. a b Ordinance on the Careers of Soldiers (Soldiers' Careers Ordinance - SLV) . March 19, 2002 ( online [accessed on March 25, 2014] revised by notice of August 19, 2011 I 1813. Last amended by Art. 2 Par. 5 G of April 8, 2013 I 730).
  13. Note also: Annex (to § 3). Allocation of the career paths of the soldiers to the career groups of the men and women, the NCOs and the officers
  14. a b The Federal Minister of Defense; Personnel, Social and Central Affairs Department (Ed.): ZDv 20/7. Provisions for the transport and for the recruitment, acceptance and admission of soldiers . Bonn March 27, 2002, Art. 635 ( PDF ( memento of October 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on March 26, 2014] DSK AP210100187, reprint January 2008). ZDv 20/7. Regulations for the transport and for the recruitment, takeover and admission of soldiers ( memento of the original from October 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. Federal Ministry of Justice and for Consumer Protection, juris GmbH (Ed.): Law on the legal status of soldiers (Soldiers Act - SG) . Bonn March 19, 1956, § 45 Paragraph 2 (3) - ( PDF [accessed on November 10, 2014] Newly drafted by notice of May 30, 2005 I 1482. Last amended by Art. 1 G of April 8 2013 I 730).
  16. Federal President Weizsäcker et al .: Order to change the order of the Federal President on the rank designations and the uniform of soldiers from March 23, 1993 . In: BGBl Part 1 . tape 1993 , 10 of March 27, 1993. Bonn March 23, 1993, p. 363 ( online [PDF; accessed May 12, 2015]).
  17. a b The equivalent, higher and lower ranks are given in accordance with ZDv 14/5 B 185, cf. The Federal Minister of Defense (ed.): ZDv 14/5. Soldiers Act . DSK AV110100174, change status July 17, 2008. Bonn August 21, 1978, rank designations in the Bundeswehr, p. B 185 (Not to be confused with the Law on the Legal Status of Soldiers (Soldiers Act) . The order of the ranks shown in the info box does not necessarily correspond to one of the regular rank sequences provided for in the Soldiers' Career Ordinance , nor does it necessarily correspond to the rank hierarchy described in the Superiors Ordinance a managerial relationship ).