Aladdin Allawerdiev

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Allawerdiev Aladdin Mamedowitsch ( Moscow , 2019 )

Allawerdiev Aladdin Mamedowitsch ( Allachwerdiev Aladdin Mamed Gusein ogly , born May 29 , 1947 , Kasaman, Bazargetjar District, Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic , USSR ) is a Soviet, Russian and Azerbaijani scientist and professor (2001).

Short biography

Allawerdiev Aladdin Mamedovich was born on May 29, 1947 in the village of Kasaman of the Bazargetchar district of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1964 he finished secondary school No. 190 in Baku City with distinction or a gold medal. In the same year he enrolled in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Department of Mechanics) of the Azerbaijan State University named SM Kirov . After the third year of study, he continued his studies at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov State University in Moscow . After graduating, he was asked to continue his studies in the aspirant, namely at the chair for wave and gas dynamics; to gain a further academic degrees, he defended before the closed Promotion Committee a thesis entitled "Investigation of the electro-physical parameters of piezoelectric structures for coupling vibrations" / Исследование электрофизических параметров пьезоэлектрических конструкций при связанных колебаниях, making him the academic degree "candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences ”was awarded.

After Allawerdiew Aladdin Mamedowitsch graduated from the Lomonosov State University in Moscow , he was assigned to work at the All-Soviet Scientific Research Institute "FONON" of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the USSR in 1974. From 1974–1994 he worked at this institute as a research assistant, senior research assistant and head of the "Mathematical Modeling" department.

1994–1995 he was Deputy Director General for Science and Production at the joint Russian and American company “Green Star International”. 1995–1996 he worked as the director of the Zelenograd Municipal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Moscow.

In September 1996 he was appointed head of the chair of higher and applied mathematics and professor at the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration. 1997–1999 he was at the same time dean of the faculty for economics and management, in 2000 he became the first prorector for educational methodological work at this academy.

Since December 2010 he has been working at the National Research University for Electronic Technology ( MIET ) as Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Head of the Quality Control Service of the Educational Process and Professor.

The whole creative life of AM Allawerdiev revolves around such areas as science and education. According to the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (2001), Mr. AM Allawerdiev was awarded the academic title “Professor”.

Under his scientific supervision, 7 doctoral students successfully defended their doctoral theses.

For several years AM Allawerdiev was active in the Council of Vice Rectors for Educational Work at the universities of the Russian Federation; He was also a member of the Coordinating Council of the Moscow City Education Office, the Scientific Council at the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, and was the chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of that academy.

Activities in the field of science and education

When he worked at the scientific research institute "FONON" as the main theorist, he provided his scientific support or was active as deputy chief designer in the implementation of many research and development projects (over 30), in the course of which devices and products were developed that were used in various technical areas can be applied. Much scientific knowledge and new technical solutions have been reflected in his scientific articles (more than 150) and 7 inventions during these years and have been applied in specific scientific and technical fields: research in the ocean, sea seismic exploration, etc. These inventions were also made in Electronics companies (especially in the companies that deal with acousto and microelectronics), in the defense industry and several medical facilities (in particular, piezoceramic sensors jointly developed by AM Allawerdiew, have their appropriate role in the development of an artificial heart Application found) used.

1970–1980 the scientists and designers who worked in the piezotechnical field should deal with the following task, namely they were commissioned to develop a piezoelectric sensor with the specified electrophysical parameters, the sensor to be developed being minimally heavy and large should. Based on the well-known theory of optimal controls (von Pontryagin), AM Allawerdiev proposed for the first time a theoretical solution for such tasks. He is also one of the first scientists who, with his students, found a solution to two- and three-dimensional electroelastic dynamic problems: the solution is based on the generalized principle of variation using the finite element and boundary element method. He is the first among all scientists to have succeeded in demonstrating the boundary layer effect that occurs on piezoceramic circular membranes.

While working at the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, AM Allawerdiev published more than 20 textbooks and teaching aids on the application of mathematics in economics and management, in cooperation with the staff of the Chair of Advanced and Applied Mathematics he heads.

Participation in scientific conferences

AM Allawerdiev has given over 60 scientific lectures (including about 10 plenary lectures) in 30 international, all-Soviet, Russian and industry-related assemblies, conferences and symposiums on such topics as the propagation of surface waves in the piezoelectric medium, the study of the electrophysical parameters of piezoelectric Treated constructions with coupling vibrations. Some of these scientific forums are worth mentioning:

"All-Soviet Symposium on the Propagation of Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Waves" (Frunze, 1974, Novosibirsk, 1986), "All-Soviet Conference on Mechanics of Continuous Media" (Tashkent, 1979), "All-Soviet Conference on Seignette Electricity (now called ferroelectricity") , Rostov-on-Don, 1979, Minsk, 1982), All-Soviet Symposium "Material and Element Strength of Structures at Sound and Ultrasound Load Frequencies" (Kiev, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982), "All-Soviet Conference on Elasticity Theory" (Tiflis, 1984) , “All-Soviet Conference for Acoustoelectronics and Quantum Acoustics” (Moscow, 1984), All-Soviet Conference “Influence of External Influences on the Real Structure of Seignette and Piezo Crystals” (Tschernogolowka, 1984), All-Soviet Conference “Modeling of collapses / rejections and computer simulation of test bench tests of electronic devices ”(Moscow, 1985),“ All-Soviet gathering for theoretical u nd applied mechanics ”(Tashkent, 1986),“ All-Soviet Conference on Acoustics ”(Moscow, 1994), International Conference“ Crystals: Growth, Properties, Real Structure, Application ”(Alexandrov, 2001, 2002, 2003), International Anniversary Conference“ Single Crystals and their application in the 20th century-2004 ”(Alexandrov, Russia, 2004) etc.

In the penultimate and last conferences, AM Allawerdiew gave 13 lectures, including 3 plenary lectures. He has been a member of the organizing or program committee on several of the above forums. While still a doctoral student, he took part in the international conference for aeronautics (Baku, 1973).


  1. Invention certificate No. 169926 dated September 4th, 1980.
  2. Invention Certificate No. 179728 dated October 6, 1982
  3. Invention certificate no.1063257 dated August 22, 1983
  4. Invention certificate no.300747 dated September 1st, 1989
  5. Invention certificate No. 1534760 dated September 8, 1989
  6. Invention certificate No. 308342 dated February 1, 1990
  7. Invention certificate No. 308340 dated February 1, 1990

Scientific articles to mention

  1. Coupling vibrations of piezoceramic disks: Theory / К теории связанных колебаний пьезокерамических дисков (in the book "Wave and Gas Dynamics" 1979 / Волновая, Moscow, Moscow State Publishing House амя гиазовая)
  2. About vibrations of a piezoceramic heartbeat transducer for medical purposes / О колебании пьезокерамического преобразователя пульса для медицинских настинских неваной, 1978, "Moscow колебании пьезокерамического преобразователя пульса для медицинских.
  3. Cylindrical piezo pressure transducer for sea seismic exploration / Цилиндрический пьезоприемник давления для морской сейсморазведки (Electronics / "Электроник", 1984), Moscow.
  4. Compensatory vibrations of piezoceramic disks and rings: Theory / К теории неустановившихся колебаний пьезокерамических дисков и колец, 1980 (Lecture at the Academy of Social Sciences of the Ukrainian Republic 2nd, 1980)
  5. Investigation of the directional parameters of a reception and radiation converter / Исследование характеристик направленности приемо-излучающих преобраюих преобракающих преобракающих, Publishing house of the, Academy of Social Sciences 6, 1990 of the Union of Moscow.
  6. Method piezoelectric to detect the pressure exerted by the boundary conditions effect on the curvature of multilayer boards / Метод учета влияния электрических граничных условий на изгиб многослойных пьезоэлектрических пластин (materials from the presentations of the international conference "Crystals: Growth, Properties, real structure, application" Alexandrov, 2002)
  7. Dimensioning of spherical piezoceramic transducers (losses included in the calculation) / Расчет сферических пьезокерамических преобразователей с учетом потерь ( "Electronics" / Электронная техника, serial "Radio components and component as" / сер. Радиодетали и радиокомпоненты, Edition 3 (80), Moscow, 1990)
  8. Calculation method for the determination of the acoustic parameters of piezoceramic transducers / Метод расчета акустических характеристик многослойных пьезокерамическиетарание в делованные расскитикиеристик (2003).
  9. Investigation of the vibrations of a multipart piezoceramic converter / Исследование колебаний составных пьезокерамических преобразователей ( "Electronics" / Электронная техника, serial "Radio components and component as" / сер. Радиодетали и радиокомпоненты, Edition 2 (67), Moscow, 1987)
  10. Method for optimizing the shape of a piezo-electric oscillating transducer
  11. Effect of piezoceramic of impulse loads on the strength properties of elements / Влияние импульсных нагрузок на прочностные характеристики пьезокерамических элементов (In the book "strength of polycrystals" / Прочность поликристаллических кристаллов, Publishing House of Academy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Leningrad Sciences, 1981)
  12. Coupled compensatory vibrations of piezoceramic cylinders / Связанные неустановившиеся колебания пьезокерамических цилиндров (Newspaper of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic No. 2, 1982),
  13. Method for determining the parameters of piezoceramic transducers in the range of the resonance frequencies / Метод расчета характеристик пьезокерамических преобразователей в области резонансных частот ( "electronics" / Электронная техника, series "Radio components and component" / сер. Радиодетали и радиокомпоненты, edition 1 (82) Moscow, 1991)
  14. Coupled compensatory vibrations of piezoceramic cylinders / Связанные неустановившиеся колебания пьезокерамических цилиндров (Newspaper of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek Socialist Soviet Republic No. 2, 1982)
  15. Safety increase in the development of a spherical piezoceramic radiator / The reliability increase when designing the spherical piezoceramic radiators, propagation of surface acoustic waves in piecewise homogeneous piezoelectric media / Spreading of surface acoustic waves in party-homogeneous piezoelectric environments (International anniversary conference "Single crystals and their application in the 20th . Century – 2004 "/ The International Jubilee Conference" Single crystal and their application in the XX century - 2004 ", Alexandrow, Russia, 2004)
  16. Acoustic properties of a cylindrical piezoceramic radiator vibrating in an endless medium / The acoustical characteristics of the cylindrical piezoceramic radiator vibrating in infinite liquid medium, propagation of surface acoustic waves in piecewise homogeneous piezoelectric media (International anniversary conference "Single crystals and their application in the 20th century - 2004 "/ The International Jubilee Conference" Single crystal and their application in the XX century - 2004 ", Alexandrow, Russia, 2004)
  17. Method for determining the electro-elastic fixed values ​​of piezoceramic materials / Метод определения электроупругих констант пьезокерамических материалов (In the book Fundamentals of Physics of the components of microelectronic devices / Основы физики элементов микроэлектронных приборов, Moscow, 1992)
  18. Method for determining the mechanical stress of piezoceramic rings and washers in the variable electrical excitation (In the book "material and element resistance of constructions in sound and ultrasound exposure frequencies" / "Прочность материалов и элементов конструкций при звуковых и ультразвуковых частотах нагружения», Kiev, 1980 )
  19. Coupled bending and shear vibrations of disk-shaped piezoelectric ceramic laminae and stages transducers / Связанные изгибно-сдвиговые колебания слойно-ступенчатых дисковых пьезокерамических преобразователей ( "Applied Mechanics" / Прикладная механика, Kiev, 1987, Volume 23, no. 5)
  20. Adaptation of Frenquenzen the ultrasonic vibrations that are produced by different multi-part electro-acoustic transducers / Согласование частот ультразвуковых колебаний различных составных электроакустических преобразователей (In the anthology "materials of the 11th Conference on Allsowjetischen Akustoelektronik and Quantum Acoustics", Moscow, 1984)
  21. Propagation of surface acoustic waves in piece-wise homogeneous piezoelectric media (In the book "Materials of the 6th All-Soviet Assembly for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", Fan Verlag, Tashkent, 1986)
  22. Sustainable development as one of the paradigms of Philosophy of Education / Устойчивое развитие как парадигма философии образования (In the book "era of global challenges (the philosophical analysis) experience" / Эпоха глобальных проблем (Опыт философского осмысления). Published by the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004)
  23. Application of mathematical methods in Humanities / Применение математических методов в социальных науках (In the book "economic and social area: people, cities, Russia" / Экономика и социальная сфера: человек, город, Россия, publisher of the Moscow State Institute closed for business, Moscow, 2005)
  24. Rating system as a person-oriented process and its role in the development of a student's skills / Рейтинговая система как личностно-ориентированная технология и ин стей сансету. (In the book "On the way to person-oriented education", Publishing House of the Moscow State Institute for Business Administration, Moscow, 2000)
  25. Mathematics and its role in the training of modern managers / Математика и её роль в подготовке современных менеджеров. (In the book "Humanization of the educational process as a problem: philosophical and pedagogical analysis" / Философско-педагогический анализ проблемы гуманизации обранизации обрасовательного образовательного 2001 Moscow State Institute.

Some college textbooks

  1. Sequences of numbers / Числовые последовательности. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 1998.
  2. Mathematical Analysis (for students in economic subjects) / Математический анализ (для экономических специальностей). Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2001
  3. Applied Mathematics. Graph theory (for students in economics) / Прикладная математика. Теория графов. (для экономических специальностей). Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2001
  4. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics / Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004
  5. Linear algebra and elements from analytical geometry / Линейная алгебра и элементы аналитической геометрии. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004
  6. Differential equations (for students in economics) / Дифференциальные уравнения (для экономических специальностей). Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2005
  7. Mathematical Statistics (for students in economics) / Математическая статистика (для экономических специальностей). Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2005


Aladdin Allawerdiew (2015)

For his achievements in scientific, industrial and educational activities, Mr. AM Allawerdiew has received the following government and industry awards.

  • A badge of honor to be worn on the chest "Honorary worker in the field of vocational higher education"
  • A medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” (1997);
  • A medal “Winner of the All-Russian Exhibition Center”;
  • A medal “250. Anniversary of the Lomonosov State University in Moscow ”(2004);
  • 1975, 1977 and 1980 - a badge of honor for work success to be worn on the chest (donated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Central Committee of the Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Lenin Communist Youth Association of the Soviet Union), awarded three times (once in every given year);
  • For his personal contribution to the development of medical technology, he received the certificate of honor of a laureate of the performance show of the Presidium of the Central Administrative Council of the All-Soviet Scientific Medical-Technical Society;
  • Four times (2001–2004) he was named the winner of the “Grant Moskwy (Funding from Moscow)” / Грант Москвы (“Science and Technologies”) competition organized by the Moscow government and received the cash prize; AM Allawerdiew has received dozens of honorary diplomas and certificates from various organizations.
  • The National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences has given him a medal named Khalil Akhmedovich Rachmatulin, an eminent scientist in the field of mechanics, a hero of socialist work, an academic, a professor who has been awarded four orders of Lenin and several national prizes of the USSR, doctor of the physical and mathematical sciences, awarded;
  • From the Russian Astronautical Federation, he was awarded a medal named Georgiy Alexandrovich Tyulin, a hero of socialist labor, lieutenant general, Lenin Prize winner, professor, doctor of technical sciences, chairman of the State Committee on Space Research Programs.


Married, has a son and a daughter, 4 granddaughters.

His wife, Kengerli Machsati Ismail kysy was in 1951 in the city of Nakhchivan born. There she finished middle school with distinction or a gold medal. After graduating from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Lomonosov State University in Moscow , she continued her studies in the aspirantur. PhD in chemical sciences, leading research assistant at the scientific research institute for materials science and technology. She has authored many scientific articles and currently has several invention certificates.

The son, Allawerdiev Torgul, was born in Moscow in 1979. He graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (“World Economy” Department) and the State University of Management (“Organizational Management” Department, with distinction). Doctor of Economics. He has written the monograph “Corporate Management and Control on Innovative Development” and more than 30 scientific articles. The man worked as the head of the risk management department at "Svyaz-Inwest / Связь-Инвест", as an administrative manager in the company "Cherkisovo / Черкизово", as the head of risk management in the world-famous Russian company "Novolipetsk", which has several branches and Has factories in 7 countries: in the USA, Canada, in the countries of Western Europe and also in many regions of the Russian Federation. He currently works as CEO at Eurasian Resources Group in Amsterdam. Married, has a daughter.

AM Allawerdiew's daughter is called Allawerdiewa Rafibeili Aiten. She was born in Moscow in 1982; the woman graduated from general secondary school No. 842 with distinction or with a gold medal, after which she was enrolled at the Moscow State Medical Academy named IM Setchenov (graduated with distinction). After her in-depth specialist training, she works as a surgeon in Doha , the capital of Qatar (specializing in "plastic surgery"). Married, has three children.


  1. Propagation of elastic and elastic-plastic waves / Распространение упругих и упругопластических волн. Frunze, 1979
  2. Material and element strength of the constructions at sound and ultrasound exposure frequencies / Прочность материалов и элементов конструкций при звуковых и ультрасозвуковахрах часовых. Kiev, 1979
  3. Influence of external influences on the real structure of seignette and piezo crystals / Влияние внешних воздействий на реальную структуру сегнето- ик пьезоэлектрик. Chernogolovka, 1981
  4. Physical phenomena in polycrystalline ferroelectric materials / Физические явления в поликристаллических сегнетоэлектриках. Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Leningrad, 1984
  5. Strength of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials / Прочность поликристаллических сегнетоэлектриков. Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Leningrad, 1984
  6. Modeling of breakdowns / rejections and computer simulation of bench tests for testing electronic devices / Моделирование отказов и имитация на ЭВМ статических испытаинкий изделий теленойр. Moscow, 1985
  7. Physical basics of microelectronics / Физические основы микроэлектроники. Publishing house of the National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, 1986
  8. Physical basics of microelectronic devices / Физические основы микроэлектронных приборов. Publishing house of the National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, 1987
  9. Mathematical modeling of physical processes in circuit elements / Математическое моделирование физических процессов в элементах микросхем. Publishing house of the National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, 1988
  10. Theoretical basics of functional electronics / Теоретические основы функциональной электроники. Publishing house of the National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, 1992
  11. Crystals: growth, properties, real structure, application / Кристаллы: рост, свойства, применение. Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Alexandrov, 2001
  12. Humanization of the educational process as a problem: philosophical and pedagogical analysis / Философско-педагогический анализ проблемы гуманизации образоватесссссого процессский Moscow, 2001
  13. International anniversary conference "Single crystals and their application in the 20th century - 2004" / The International Jubilee Conference "Single crystal and their application in the XX century - 2004". Alexandrov, 2004
  14. Epoch of global challenges (experience of philosophical consideration) / Эпоха глобальных проблем (Опыт философского осмысления). Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004
  15. Sequences of numbers / Числовые последовательности. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 1998
  16. Mathematical Analysis / Математический анализ. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2001
  17. Applied Mathematics. Graph theory / Прикладная математика. Теория графов. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2001
  18. Differential equations / Дифференциальные уравнения. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2005
  19. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics / Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004
  20. Linear algebra and elements from analytical geometry / Линейная алгебра и элементы аналитической геометрии. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2004
  21. Mathematical Statistics / Математическая статистика. Publishing house of the Moscow State Institute of Business Administration, Moscow, 2005

Individual evidence

  1. Математическая статистика. Изд. МГИДА, Москва, 2005
  2. Ələddin Allahverdiyev: MÜƏLLİMLƏRİM HAQDA XATİRƏLƏR: QƏŞƏM ASLANOV ( az ) In: . October 5, 2016. Archived from the original on October 5, 2016. Retrieved on October 5, 2016.
  3. Ələddin Allahverdiyev: MÜƏLLİMLƏRİM HAQDA XATİRƏLƏR: İSKƏNDƏR HACIYEV ( az ) In: . October 2, 2016. Archived from the original on October 2, 2016. Retrieved on October 2, 2016.
  4. Z.Babayev, "ünvan belədir: Moskva, MDU," "Azərbaycan gəncləri" qəzeti. № 20 (8370). February 14, 1974
  5. Аллавердиев Аладдин Мамедович ( ru ) МИЭТ. 2009-2016. Retrieved May 31, 2016.
  6. Mətanət Bağıyeva: Xaricdə yaşayan azərbaycanlılar. Qısa bioqrafik məlumat kitabçası ( az ). "Papirus NP", Bakı 2016, ISBN 978-9952-8299-1-4 . Archived from the original on October 21, 2017 (Retrieved October 21, 2017).
  7. Азербайджанцы за рубежом. Краткий биографический справочник. Баку, Изд-во «Papirus NP», 2016. с. 69-71. ISBN 978-9952-8299-1-4 .
  8. Азербайджанцы мира. Изд-во "Азербайджан", Баку, 2006
  9. Araz Yaquboğlu, Ramil Cəbrayıl: “Uşaqlığım və gəncliyimlə bağlı iki müqəddəs yer var: Göyçə və Bakı” ( az ) May 28, 2018. Archived from the original on June 21, 2018. Retrieved June 21, 2018.
  10. Moskvada yaşayan azərbaycanlı alim yüksək mükafatlara layiq görülüb ( az ) Karabakhmedia. November 26, 2019. Retrieved December 13, 2019.
  11. Arif Məmmədli, Araz Yaquboğlu. "Azərbaycanı ləyaqətlə təmsil edən böyük alim", "Xalq qəzeti", №5 (29270), səh.6, January 12, 2020 (Azerbaijani)

Web links

Commons : Aladdin Allahverdiyev  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files