Alain Guichardet

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Alain Guichardet (* 1930 ) is a French mathematician and university professor. He is mainly concerned with operator algebras , representations of Lie groups and their cohomology and quantum groups .


Guichardet received his doctorate in 1962 at the Sorbonne with Jacques Dixmier ( Caractères des algèbres de Banach involutives ). He was a professor at the University of Poitiers and most recently at the École polytechnique .

An important result was his construction of the maximum tensor product of C * algebras . In the 1960s he was among the first to investigate infinite and even continuous tensor products of operator algebras (C * algebras) (others were Huzihiro Araki and William Arveson ). These have application in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. He dealt with non-commutative dynamics and ergodic theory as early as the 1970s . Later he dealt with the topology of various locally compact groups and their representations.

He draws his motivation partly from mathematical physics and works in this area, as early as 1957 he published on a quantum mechanical topic.

Patrick Delorme and Fokko Du Cloux are among his PhD students .


  • Symmetric Hilbert Space and related topics: infinitely divisible positive definite functions, continuous products and tensor products, Gaussian and Poissonian stochastic processes , Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 261, 1972
  • with A. Wulfsohn Sur les produits tensoriels continus des espaces hilbertiens , J. Functional Analysis, 2, 1968, 371–377
  • Produits tensoriels continus d'espaces et d'algebres de Banach , Commun. Math. Phys. 5, 1967, pp. 262-287
  • Leçons sur certaines algèbres topologiques: algèbres de von Neumann, algèbres topologiques et fonctions holomorphes, algèbres de Banach commutatives , Gordon and Breach 1967
  • Groupes quantiques - Introduction au point de vue formula , EDP Sciences 1995
  • Cohomology des groupes topologiques et des algèbres de Lie , Paris: F. Nathan 1980
  • Systèmes dynamiques non commutatifs , Astérisque, No. 13-14, SMF 1974
  • The problem of Kepler. Histoire et théorie , Édition École Polytechnique, 2012 (celestial mechanics)
  • Integration: Analysis Hilbertienne, éd. École polytechnique , Ed. École Polytechnique, 1998
  • Tensor products of C * -algebras , Aarhus University Lecture Notes, Volume 12 (1969)
  • Special topics in topological algebras , Gordon and Breach 1968
  • Algèbres d'observables associées aux relations de commutation , Paris: Colin 1968
  • Sur la catégorie des algèbres de von Neumann , Bull. Sci. Math. (2), Vol. 90, 1966, pp. 41-64
  • Method des orbites pour les representations de longueur finie , Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 85, 1986, pp. 199-215
  • with Daniel Kastler: Des integration des etats quasi-invariants des C * algébres , J. Math. Pures et App., Volume 49, 1970, pp. 349-380

Web links


  • Sur l'oeuvre mathématique d'Alain Guichardet, Gazette des mathématiciens, Volume 74, 1997, pp. 69-71 (acknowledgment on the occasion of a colloquium in honor of Guichardet at the Ecole Polytechnique), pdf

Individual evidence

  1. Official retirement date December 28, 1995
  2. Alain Guichardet in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. Published as Guichardet, Caractères des algèbres de Banach involutives , Annales de l'institut Fourier, Volume 13, 1963, pp. 1–81, ( Memento from September 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  4. According to Dixmier von Guichardet in an article with Daniel Kastler in 1970