Daniel Chancellor

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Daniel Kastler (born March 4, 1926 in Bandol ; † July 8, 2015 ) was a French theoretical physicist.

Kastler is the son of the Physics Nobel Prize winner Alfred Kastler . He was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Aix-Marseille (Luminy), where he had been a professor since 1977. With Rudolf Haag , he founded the "Local Quantum Physics" approach to the mathematical description of quantum field theories ( Haag-Kastler axioms ) in the 1960s . Later he dealt with applications of operator algebras in statistical mechanics and from the 1980s on non-commutative geometry according to Alain Connes (in particular their applications in elementary particle physics, introduced by Connes).

In 1984 Kastler was awarded the Prix ​​Ampère of the French Academy of Sciences . He was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen and the Austrian Academy of Sciences and has been a member of the Leopoldina since 1995 .


  • Haag, Kastler: An algebraic approach to quantum field theory , J. Math. Phys. Vol. 5, 1964, pp. 848-861
  • Cyclic cohomology within the differential envelope: an introduction to Alain Connes non-commutative differential geometry , 1988
  • Introduction al´électrodynamique quantique , Paris, Dunod, 1960


  • Biography in Palle Jörgensen, Paul Muhly (editor): Operator algebras and mathematical Physics . Contemporary Mathematics, AMS 1987

Individual evidence

  1. Disparitions you Mathématicien danois Uffe Haagerup et du physicien marseillais Daniel Kastler