Albero I of Leuven

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Albero I. von Löwen (* around 1060; † January 1, 1129 ) was Bishop of Liège and brother of the Duke of Lower Lorraine Gottfried von Löwen († 1139; also called Gottfried the Bearded).

After Bishop Friedrich's death, the Liège See remained vacant for two years as a result of the investiture dispute . Only after the Worms Treaty of 1122 between Emperor Heinrich V and Pope Kalixt II , in which he renounced the investiture of the bishops with ring and staff, Albero was elected by the Chapter in 1123 and enfeoffed by the personally present Emperor. Albero had to start to cleanse his diocese of the violence of the nobility; Called by the emperor to his aid, Gottfried the Bearded destroyed the castle Valkenburg , still visible in its significant ruins today, belonging to Count Goswin II von Heinsberg , which had served the robbers as a base.


Individual evidence

  1. Tobias Weller: The marriage policy of the German aristocracy . Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-412-11104-X , p. 442, plate 5 .
predecessor Office successor
Frederick of Namur Bishop of Liège
Alexander I. von Jülich