Albert-Paul Granier

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Albert-Paul Granier (born September 3, 1888 in Le Croisic , † August 17, 1917 near Verdun ) was a French poet .


Albert-Paul Granier was born as the son of an art-loving notary and thus came into contact with music and literature at an early age. The composer Gabriel Fauré was among other things a family friend. Albert-Paul Granier first attended school in Le Croisic and later in Saint-Nazaire , where he obtained his Baccalaureat in 1908 . He then attended the notary school in Nantes , which he successfully completed in 1910. Albert-Paul Granier completed his three-year military service in Paris , where he remained until the outbreak of the First World War . When the war broke out, Granier was transferred to an artillery unit . This unit fought on the front in Verdun in 1916 . Albert-Paul Granier was transferred from his artillery unit to the Air Force in 1917 and served as a scout on reconnaissance flights around Verdun. During one of these missions, his plane was hit by a shell and completely destroyed. His body was never found.


Albert-Paul Granier has been writing lyrical texts since his youth and he also composed. He wrote his love song Absente from his last school year in 1908. From his time in Paris before the First World War it is known that Albert-Paul Granier took part in artistic life, attended concerts, wrote poetry and continued to compose. During his war on the Verdun front, he wrote poems about the horrors of war. A collection of these poems was published in 1917 while Albert-Paul Granier was still alive under the title Les Coqs et les Vautours . At that time, however, the publication received little attention and Albert-Paul Granier and his work were forgotten for many decades. In 2008 the French linguist Claude Duneton rediscovered the publication and tried to get a new edition. This recent publication has received great reviews and the quality of Albert-Paul Granier's works has been compared to that of Guillaume Apollinaire . The volume of poems was then translated into English in 2014.


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