Albert Borbet

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Albert Borbet (* 1848 in Altena ; † 1919 ) was an industrialist who originally came from Altena who moved to Schalke through his marriage to Emma Moenting.

Emma Moentig's father, the iron and steel works owner Heinrich Moenting , established the connection to Friedrich Grillo from Essen , with whom Albert Borbet entered into a business relationship. Albert's son Walter Borbet also made a career in the steel industry.


Among other Borbet took along with Grillo and Friedrich Heinrich Funke 1882 style lying wire in the district Werne at Bochum , which as KG spark Borbet & Co. changed its name. In 1895, Borbet, Funke and all other limited partners got out again because of the business failure. The plant was put back into operation in 1887 as Westfälische Drahtwerke AG and came under the management of Albert's son Walter, who had become general director of the Bochumer Verein , in 1926 when it was incorporated into Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG . The plant was shut down in 1931, but was then used again by the Bochum Association to manufacture bombs and grenades during World War II. After the war, the plant's technical equipment was dismantled.


  • Wolfhard Weber : Walter Borbet (1881-1942). In: Wolfhard Weber (Hrsg.): Engineers in the Ruhr area. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Münster, 1999, pp. 224–256.
  • Peter Kracht: "Street, field and stream names in Werne", Bochum 1987 online ( Memento from December 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 932 kB)