Albert Issa

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Albert A. Issa (* 1943 in Zinder ; † February 5, 1993 in Niamey ) was a Nigerien writer and publisher .


Albert Issa worked as a technical employee in development policy . He made several trips through Africa and Europe. Issa wrote in French . In 1986 he published a collection of his poems under the title Ballade poétique . His play Cady ou l'amour fétiche , published in 1988, is about the love story of a young couple who are driven to their death by a ruler and brought back to life by means of the Bori cult. Albert Issa founded the publishing house Éditions du Sahel in Niamey in February 1990 . The publisher, which was struggling with financial and logistical problems, published a company directory (Répertoire des Entreprises nigériennes) and the bi- monthly magazine L'Entreprise . Éditions du Sahel also took on orders as an advertising agency, for example for the Prix ​​Dan Gourmou music competition . Issa died in Niamey in 1993.


  • Ballad poétique . La Pensée universelle, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-214-06458-3 .
  • Cady ou l'Amour fétiche . La Pensée universelle, Paris 1988, ISBN 2-214-06874-0 .
  • The problems of the edition . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 147-148 .


  • Jean-Dominique Pénel, Amadou Maïlélé: Littérature du Niger. Rencontre . Volume II: Barkiré Alidou, Marcel Inné, Hima Adamou, Djibo Mayaki, Alhassane Danté, Soli Abdourhamane, Amadou Ousmane, Albert Issa, Boubé Zoumé, Idé Adamou. L'Harmattan, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-296-12859-0 , chap. Albert Issa , S. 167-179 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Moussa Mahamadou, Issoufou Rayalhouna: Anthologie de la littérature écrite nigérienne d'expression française . Sépia, Saint-Maur 1996, ISBN 2-907888-50-1 , pp. 47 .
  2. Chaibou Dan Inna : Le théâtre . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 66 .
  3. ^ Albert Issa: Lesproblemèmes de l'édition . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 148 .