Albert Lenné

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Albert Lenné (born January 31, 1878 in Strasbourg , † May 4, 1958 in Cologne ) was a Catholic clergyman.


In 1903 Lenné was ordained a priest . In 1912 and 1913 he received his doctorate. phil. in Freiburg im Breisgau . From 1915 to 1920 he was pastor in Happerschoss , 1920 and 1921 at St. Maria in Lyskirchen in Cologne and then until 1925 at St. Maria Himmelfahrt , also in Cologne. From 1921 to 1930 Albert Lenné was also Diocesan Caritas Director of the Archdiocese of Cologne. In 1922 he was elected chairman of the Diocesan Caritas Association, an office he held until 1944. In 1925 he was appointed vicariate general and canon in Aachen. In 1928 he became the cathedral capitular at Cologne Cathedral. In 1956 he was appointed cathedral dean by the Archbishop of Cologne .

Since 1915/16 at the latest at the national level, Albert Lenné was responsible in various areas of child welfare work, for example as an advisor to Cardinal von Hartmann or as a long-standing board member of the German Caritas Association and deputy chairman.



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