Albert Szirmai

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Albert Szirmai around 1920

Albert Szirmai , also Albert Sirmay , (born July 2, 1880 in Budapest , † January 15, 1967 in New York City , New York ) was a Hungarian operetta composer and conductor.


After studying at the Franz Liszt Music Academy (with Hans Koessler and Árpád Szendy ), he became a répétiteur at the "Népszínház – Vígopera" theater. His first stage work "A sárga dominó" (The Yellow Domino) was premiered there in 1907.

From 1907 he worked as a conductor at the Cabaret "Modern Színház" ("Modern Theater"), later at the "Andrássy úti Színház" (Theater on Andrássy Street "). came on stage, were soon performed in Vienna, Berlin and London. The best performers sang the chansons, composed on texts by Jenő Heltai , Andor Gábor , Mihály Babits and Ernő Szép .

After 1928 he lived in New York, but his new works did not catch on. So he became senior editor at Chappel-Verlag. In 1941 he wrote the piano reduction of the musical Lady in the Dark for Kurt Weill . Towards the end of his life he visited Hungary several times again; then two new works were successfully performed.


  • Bálkirálynő ( The Queen of the Ball ) - 1908
  • Táncos huszárok ( Dancing Hussars ) - 1909
  • Movie Magic - 1912
  • Mexikói lány ( The Girl from Mexico ) - 1912
  • Mágnás Miska ( magnate Mishka ) - 1916
  • Harangvirág ( bellflower ) - 1918
  • Mézeskalács - 1923
  • Alexandra - 1923
  • Éva grófnő ( Countess Eva ) - 1928
  • A kalóz - 1933
  • Tabáni legenda - 1957
  • A Tündérlaki lányok - 1964

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