Albert von Weissenstein

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Albert von Weissenstein OP (Latinized Albertus de Albo Lapide ; * around 1430 ; † before 1484 probably in Zurich ) was a religious priest of the Dominicans .


Nothing is known about the origin. He was named as a confessor in Rome in 1450 . In 1451 he was enrolled at the University of Cologne . In 1452 he was vicar general of the observant Pforzheim Preachers' Convention , a student in Bologna and Florence , and in 1458 master of theology.

Father Albert wrote a Salve Regina and a treatise on the occasion of the indulgence approved by Pope Sixtus IV in 1479 in favor of the Zurich churches. The two works were printed by Sigmund Rot and represent the beginning of the history of book printing in Zurich.
