Alberto Pandolfi Arbulú

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Alberto Pandolfi Arbulú (born August 20, 1940 in Lima ) is a Peruvian politician who was Prime Minister of Peru between 1996 and 1998 and again from 1998 to 1999 .


After attending school, Pandolfi completed a degree in engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) and then worked as an engineer and business manager. For a time he was General Manager of Metalúrgica Peruana SA and was involved in the privatization of the cement factory in Yura .

After Prime Minister Dante Córdova Blanco's surprising resignation on April 3, 1996, President Alberto Fujimori had the opportunity to form a more homogeneous and technocratic cabinet that was less critical of the free market reforms and privatization plans it had planned. Within 36 hours of Córdova's resignation, half of the ministers had formally accepted their resignation. They shared Cordova's concerns about the social impact of the economic reform program. Pandolfi's appointment as Prime Minister (Presidente del Consejo de Ministros) came unexpectedly, but was welcomed by entrepreneurs and foreign analysts. Numerous ministers of the previous government, however, retained their offices, in particular the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance Jorge Camet Dickmann , Foreign Minister Francisco Tudela and the Minister in the Presidential Office Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka . He himself took over the office of Minister of Fisheries (Ministro de Pesquería) in his cabinet from Jaime Agustín Sobero Taira and held this position until he was replaced by Ludwig Meier Cornejo on July 18, 1997. On September 20, 1996, he also replaced Daniel Hokama Tokashiki as Minister of Mines and Energy (Ministro de Energía y Minas) , however, handed this office back to Hokama Tokashiki on December 31, 1997.

He was involved in numerous privatization measures and in particular managed the sale of the state oil company Petroperú . The confidence of international investors was crucial for the government that soon after state shares in the privatized telephone company Telefonica del Peru in the amount of 1.4 billion US dollars offered. The government lost confidence in early 1998 due to disappointing economic production, inflation indicators, and high trade and currency deficits. Pandolfi was then replaced as Prime Minister on June 4, 1998 by Javier Valle Riestra .

Almost two and a half months later, however, on August 21, 1998, President Fujimori Pandolfi again appointed Valle Riestra's successor as Prime Minister. At the same time, the previous head of the SIN secret service (Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional del Perú), Major General Julio Salazar Monroe, succeeded General César Saucedo as Minister of Defense. He held the post of Prime Minister now until January 3, 1999 and was then replaced by Víctor Joy Way . In the government of Joy Way's successor Alberto Bustamante Belaunde held the office of Minister for Transport, Communications, Housing and Construction (Ministro de Transportes, Comunicaciones, Vivienda y Construcción) between October 13, 1999 and July 28, 2000 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Peru: Prime Ministers (
  2. Peru: April 3, 1996
  3. Peru: Prime Ministers (
  4. Peru: June 4, 1998
  5. Peru: August 21, 1998