Albin Körösi

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Albin Körösi (* 1860 in Banská Štiavnica ; † 1936 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian Romance scholar , Hispanicist , Catalanist , translator and literary scholar.


Father Körösi (correct Hungarian graphic: Kőrösi) entered the Piarist order in 1876 , studied at the University of Budapest and graduated in 1885. His subject was originally natural science. He also developed into a scientifically important Hispanophile and Catalanophile, first through numerous translations. He translated from the Catalan Víctor Balaguer , Miguel Costa i Llobera, Àngel Guimerà and Jacint Verdaguer . From 1901 he was a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Barcelona.
From 1912 to 1922 he was a lecturer in Spanish at the University of Budapest, and later taught at the Technical University. Oliver Brachfeld was one of his students .

Körösi was the commander of the Order de Alfonso XII.


  • A XIX. század spanyol költöi (Quintana, Espronceda, Zorilla, Campoamor, Núñez de Arce, Ventua Ruiz Aguilera, Belmonte Müller), Budapest 1893
  • (Ed.) A spanyol költészet gyöngyei, Budapest 1895
  • (Ed.) José M. de Pereda, Az apja fia. Regény, Budapest 1897
  • (with others) Spanyol téli esték. Verses legendák, Budapest 1901
  • Egy magyar királyleány története. Istoria de la fiyla del Rey Dungria. Katalán-provencei legenda. Tanulmány az ó-román irodalom és dialectologia köréből, Budapest 1914
  • Cervantes élete és művei. A költő egyetlen hiteles arcképével, Budapest 1918 [Cervantes. Life and work]
  • (with Bole Kornel) Spanyol földön, útirajz, Budapest 1927
  • A spanyol irodalom története, Budapest 1930 [Spanish literary history]
  • A vallásbölcselet főkérdései, Budapest 1930


  • Antoni Sancho Nebot: El padre Albino Korösi. In: Studia. November 1930, pp. 377-378.
  • Epistolario de Rufino José Cuervo con filólogos de Alemania, Austria y Suiza y noticias de las demás relaciones de Cuervo con estos países y sus representantes. Edited by Günther Schütz . Volume 2. Bogotá 1976, pp. 228-230, p. 352 (Archivo Epistolar Colombiano IX).
  • Sylvia Kotlán: Prehistòria de la catalanistica a Hongria: Albi Kőrösi. In: Lluc. 61, 1981, pp. 170-171 (also in: Lluc. 699, 1981, pp. 26-27).
  • Kálmán Faluba (* 1941): Llengua i literatura catalanes a Hongria. In: Estudis de llengua i literatura catalanes a Hongria V. El català a Europa ia Amèrica. Barcelona 1982, pp. 213-221 (and other publications by this Hungarian Hispanist).