Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf

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Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf (* 1626 , † 1684 ) was an electoral chamber councilor, chamberlain, governor in Graefenhainichen and Annaburg and lieutenant colonel as well as owner of the secularized Ottenhausen monastery and owner of the manors Lebusa , Ottendorf and Reichstädt .


He came from a Saxon-Thuringian noble family , which named itself after its ancestral seat Kromsdorf . His ancestor Oswald von Kromsdorf bought the former Ottenhausen monastery from the Wettins in 1543 and after his death it fell to Ernst Wittich von Kromsdorf, whose son Georg Albrecht von Kromsdorf (died January 17, 1632) was the father of Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf . His brother-in-law was Joachim Heinrich von Harras auf Oßmannstedt .

At a young age he hit the headlines in 1630 when he challenged a duel with the chamberlain Friedrich Adolph von Haugwitz.

After he had initially embarked on a military career and was captain of the knight horses and later lieutenant colonel in 1657/68, Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf moved at an advanced age to the administrative service of the Wettins and became official governor in Graefenhainichen and Annaburg. In a settlement on March 24, 1660, he bought the debt of his father's property that had fallen to him and his brothers from his co-heirs.

He married Clara Dorothea von Harras, daughter of Joachim Heinrich von Harras auf Eichenberg, in Dresden on October 27, 1656. In 1668 he married the widowed Dorothea Sibylla née Taube auf Reichstädt, Roßnitz, Ottendorf and Nenntmannsdorf, who was previously married to the chamberlain, chief chamberlain and stable master Sebastian Hildebrand Metsch. Most recently, from 1682, he was briefly married to Johanna Sibylla, nee von Kötteritz. After his death, his widow soon married the chief tax collector and Wittenberg district chief Christian Vitzthum from Eckstädt on Tiefensee, Neuhaus, Petersroda and Dölkau. After the death of Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf, the property of this third wife fell to her, some of which she sold at a profit. On January 10, 1687, she sold the important monastery property in Ottenhausen to the von Heringen brothers in Leipzig.

Albrecht Christian von Kromsdorf made his will on November 6, 1682 in Lebusa . Since all of his marriages remained childless, he made his third wife the universal heiress. He also prescribed 6000 thalers to the children and grandchildren of his sister Anna Sabina von Werthern, née. vom Kromsdorf and 6000 thalers to the children of his sister Dorothea Sophia von Metzeradt. He bequeathed 3000 thalers to his long-term closest friend and confidante, the electoral Saxon chief court marshal, real secret councilor and chief tax collector, Friedrich Adolph von Haugwitz , to regulate the formalities after his death. In addition, his daughter Sophia Louysa von Haugwitz, whose godfather was Kromsdorf, was promised 3000 thalers. He donated 1000 thalers to the church in Ottenhausen, of which 400 thalers were used during his lifetime to replace the pulpit, gallery, organ and bells, the remaining 600 thalers were to be paid out to the church after his death.

Just a few days before his death, on September 15, 1684, he sold the Lebusa manor for 30,000 guilders to his best friend Friedrich Adolph von Haugwitz, who returned it in 1688 to his widow, who had meanwhile married Vitzthum von Eckstedt, for payment.


  • Friedrich B. von Hagke: Documentary reports on the towns, villages and estates of the Eckartsberga district , 1867, p. 522ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Saxon State Archives, 10024 Privy Council (Secret Archive), no. Loc. 09700/38