Aleksandar Loma

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Aleksandar Loma (* 1955 in Valjevo , Yugoslavia ) is a Serbian Indo-Europeanist and classical philologist .

He is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a professor at the University of Belgrade . Loma is also the editor-in-chief of the Etymological Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Language , the head of the Onomastic Commission of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the chairman of the Etymological Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.

Loma conducts research in the fields of toponomics , historical geography , comparative history and Indo-European comparative linguistics , in particular Greek , Slavic , Indo-Iranian and ancient Balkan languages.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christoph Giesel: Serbia in a Europe that is growing together . In: Journal of Balkanology . No. 41 . Harrassowitz Verlag , 2005.