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Alemañol , derived from alem án (German) and esp añol (Spanish), is a mixed variety of the German and Spanish languages spoken by the Spanish- speaking population in German- speaking areas . This language variety emerged at the latest with the immigration of Spaniards in the 1960s and is now particularly cultivated by Latin American immigrants in the German-speaking areas. In the 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries, a consolidation and expansion of Alemañol can be observed.

These are mostly terms that describe a situation better in the German language and in the German cultural area than would be possible with the corresponding Spanish equivalent , or for which the German expression is to be pronounced shorter or more fluently.



  • wanderear = to wander - vagarse, recorrer, rondar (se)
  • bratear = roast, grill = hacer una parrillada
  • anmeldearse = registered (about the residents' registration office ) = registrarse, apuntarse, anotarse, inscribirse
  • kaputearse = to break
  • grilar = to grill


In the case of language mixers who are more proficient in German than Spanish, the gender of the German word is usually retained in nouns. Speakers who have learned German as an adult give the German word a new pronunciation and often a different gender:

  • the station - el station - la bánjof
  • the cellar - el cellar - la quela
  • the subway - la subway - el uvan
  • the bun - el bun - el broche
Conjugation of the verb anmeldearse (alemañol)
person number Alemañol German
1st person Singular Yo me sign up I register
2nd person Singular Tú te registreas you sign up
3rd person Singular Él se login a he logs in
3rd person Singular Ella se login a she logs in
1st person Plural Nosotros nos registration team we register
2nd person Plural Vosotros os anmeldeáis you register
3rd person Plural Ellos se login they sign up


  • no hay que mischear los espraje = one shouldn't mix languages
  • es muy arduous para mí = it is extremely arduous for me - Me es muy arduo.
  • no viene ni en question = does not come into question (or: in no case) or is not even considered - Ni hablar de eso / Eso ni pensarlo / No viene al caso.
  • me tienes un lápiz = do you have me a pencil? - me that un lápiz?
  • puedo tener tu móvil? = can I have your cell phone? - me that do móvil?
  • tengo cumpleaños = it's my birthday - it mi cumpleaños


  • Yolanda Mateos Ortega: Esto me suena a 'alemañol' . 2000, Frecuencia L. Revista de didáctica del español como segunda lengua Nº 14: 31-42. ISSN  1136-5080
  • V. Canicio: Espalemán o alemañol? In: Living languages: Journal for foreign languages ​​in science and practice. Trade journal of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators . 15, 147, 1970.

See also