Alessandro Maganza

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Representation of the Lord

Alessandro Maganza (* 1556 in Vicenza , † 1632 ) was an Italian painter of the mannerism of Vicenza.


Alessandro Maganza is the most successful artist in the Maganza family, who ran a workshop in Vicenza for three generations in the 16th century.

Alessandro learned his trade from his father, Giovanni Battista Maganza il Vecchio (called Magagnò (1509–1586)), who was a poet and painter and became famous for the frescoes in the Villa Repeta , Palladio's first building . His father's style could be seen in the succession of Veronese , Tintoretto and Bassano .

There was also a close friendship with Giovanni Antonio Fasolo , (1530–1572) also a painter in Vicenza and a student of Paolo Veronese , so it is likely that Alessandro Maganza also worked with him or was an apprentice.

The death of Fasolo caused Maganza to go to Venice at the age of 16 (1572) and there he came into contact with the work of Jacopo Palma . After his marriage in 1576 he left Venice and returned to Vicenza, which he never left until the end of his life in 1632.

Villa Rotonda dome

His four sons Giambattista Maganza il Giovane (1577-1617), Marcantonio Maganza (1578-1630), Girolamo Maganza (1586-1630) and Vincenzo Maganza (15 ?? - 1660) also worked in the family's workshop. But three died young of the plague, so that Maganza survived them. The family-run workshop operation makes it difficult to identify the work of the individual members in certain phases.

Alessandro's first documented work by hand, Mary with the Child and the Four Evangelists (1580), he painted for the monastery that was built around the basilica and pilgrimage church of Monte Berico in Vicenza. Maganza also painted the frescoes inside the dome of Palladio's famous Villa Rotonda , near Vicenza, with colored allegories reflecting the influence of Paolo Veronese. In the same villa you can also find tempera paintings by him in the south and west rooms.

In the course of the Counter Reformation, Maganza left the influence of Veronese and remembered the darker style of Jacopo Palma il Giovane, whose stylistic successor he was considered to be. Maganza's late work is overshadowed by the early death of his sons and is characterized by the use of dark, dramatic colors.

Famous works

Jesus in the temple
  • 1580: Virgin Mary with Child and the four Evangelists (Vicenza: Monte Berico Monastery); (Palma Giovane's influence)
  • 1588: Portrait of a gentleman with his son (Uffizi, Florence)
  • 1588: King with notaries in Vicenca (formerly Vicenca: Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari / in restitution)
  • 1591: Baptism of Christ (Vicenza: Vicenza: Monte Berico Monastery) (Veronese's influence noticeable)
  • 1597: Assumption of Mary (parish church of Cadenabbia di griante)
  • 1600: Pieta (Vicenza: Cathedral)
  • 1605: Scenes from the Passion of Christ; Cappella del Sacramento of the Cathedral (influence Tintoretto and Jacopo Bassano)
  • 1605: Sketch of the Holy Family with Angels (National Galeries of Scotland)
  • 1610: Rosary Madonna (Barbarano Vicentino, Parrocchiale)
  • Five Episodes from the Passion of Christ (Vicenza: Cathedral)
  • Cycle for the Chapel of the Rosary (Vicenza: Santa Corona)
  • The four evangelists receive the Holy Spirit (Padua: Abbazia di Praglia Benedictine monastery)
  • Dome with frescoes (Vicenza: Villa Rotonda)
  • Paintings in tempera for the south and west rooms (Vicenza: Villa Rotonda)
  • Vision of Saint Jerome (Oxford: Christ Church)
  • Martyrdom scene (Vienna: Albertina)
  • Frescoes (Padova: S. Gaetano, Via Altinate)
  • Grain of Saint Mary (Padua: Academy of Sciences)
  • The offering in the temple (Vienna: private property)
  • Jesus in the Temple (Castelfranco Veneto: Galleria d'arte e d'antiquariato)
  • Rosary Madonna with child, St. Dominic, St. Stephan and St. Hieronymus ( Motovun : Stefanskirche)
  • Seven Martyr Virgins (Padua / Vanzo: Church of Santa Maria)
  • Madonna with the Rosary (Barbarano: Church of Santa Maria Assunta)
  • Pentecost with the four Evangelists (Praglia Abbey)
  • Coronation of the Virgin (Accademia di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Galiläer, Padua)

Famous students


  • Grove Dictionary of Art
  • Sydney J. Freedberg: Pelican History of Art (Ed.): Painting in Italy, 1500-1600 . Penguin Books Ltd, 1993, pp. 565.
  • PALLUCCHINI Rodolfo, La pittura veneziana del Seicento, Alfieri, Milano, 1981

Web links

Web links to the Maganza family and workshop