Alexander Abramowitsch Krasnowski

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Alexander Abramowitsch Krasnowski ( Russian Александр Абрамович Красновский ; born August 26, 1913 in Odessa ; † May 16, 1993 ) was a Russian biochemist.

Krasnowski lost his father at an early age and went to school in Moscow . He graduated from the Mendeleev Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Moscow in 1937, received his doctorate in 1940, worked in a chemical factory during World War II and was at the Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1944. In 1948 he completed his habilitation there (Russian doctorate, with a dissertation on the reactions in photosynthesis ) and from 1959 headed the laboratory for photobiochemistry. In addition, from 1954 he was a professor at Lomonossow University .

He dealt with the photochemistry of chlorophyll . He also developed inorganic models of the separation of hydrogen and oxygen with photosynthetic reactions using titanium oxide and zinc oxide .

He was a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and, since 1975, the Leopoldina .

His son Alexander Krasnowski (* 1940) is also a biochemistry professor at Lomonossow University.


Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Aleksandr A. Krasnovskij at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on February 11, 2016.