Alexander Egyed

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Alexander Egyed is Professor for Engineering of Software-Intensive-Systems at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz . He heads the Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation.


Alexander Egyed completed his computer science studies at the University of Linz in 1994 . He then attended the University of Southern California in Los Angeles , USA, where he took a master's and doctoral degree in computer science (1994-2000). In the fall of 2000, he received a doctorate in computer science. After receiving his doctorate , he worked as a research scientist at Teknowledge Corporation in Marina del Rey in California, USA (2000–2007). From 2007 to 2008 he conducted research at University College London , UK, before returning to Linz . Since 2008 he has been a full professor at the JKU. He is also an associate professor at the University of Southern California.

Egyed is active in both science and industry. In collaboration with the Boeing Company and Carnegie Mellon University , he devoted himself to the architecture of avionics systems (2002). He then cooperated with the Northrop Grumman Company , Sarnoff and International Honeywell , who developed a software system for unmanned vehicles (2005–2007). He completed a project with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . He is currently cooperating with IBM and was recently awarded an IBM CAS Research Fellow.

Main focus of work and research

  • Effects of changes
  • Inconsistency detection and its elimination
  • Traceability
  • Software architecture
  • Scenario-based behavior


  • Outstanding Achievement Award 1999 from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
  • ACM Award for Committee Chairmanship of the 22nd IEEE / ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2007
  • Awarded 10th best scientist in software engineering worldwide in a study by Ren-Taylor in the Communications of the ACM, June 2007
  • Awarded an IBM Research Faculty Fellow, 2010

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