Alexander Ferro

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Alexander Ferro (born June 4, 1981 in Rotenburg an der Fulda ) is a German pop singer and songwriter.


Alexander was born in Rotenburg a. d. Born in Fulda and raised there. Even during his school days, numerous school projects on the subject of music and school bands accompanied him on his way. During this time Alexander also played as a dance musician in various bands.

Alexander began composing music and writing lyrics during his training. What started out playfully grew from year to year. For example, he and Peter Staab and Ekki Stein wrote the title “So close to Paradise” for G. G. Anderson.

At the beginning of 2011, Alexander started working with the successful producer Michael Dorth, who u. a. with artists like Michael Wendler and the Amigos. In spring 2011 his debut title “When two hearts feel love” was published.

His second song "I write your name in the sky" followed in autumn 2011. Alexander and Michael Dorth wrote the appropriate music to a text by Tobias Reitz. After publication, the title rose steadily in the DJ charts, so that at the turn of the year Alexander Ferro was number 1 on the Austrian DJ charts.

Alexander Ferro is not only active as an interpreter, but also composes and writes for colleagues.

Authorship (selection)

  • The Amigos : I call heaven for us (2013), Rose in the sand (2013), Only through you all alone (2013), Until the end of time (2012), A ring that bears your name (2012), The small bank (2012), angels read letters (2012), Christmas fairy tales (2012), I've never seen him (2012), every year at Christmas time (2012)
  • Tommy Fischer: Blauer Planet (2013), I'm Not Making an Idiot (2013)
  • Andy Borg : Lovers Have Summer in Their Blood (2012)
  • GG Anderson : So Close to Paradise (2010)
  • Die Edlseer : Di will I liabn (2011)
  • Frank Neuenfels: I can live with you (2011)
  • Larissa Sterner: Come We Fly To Mars (2011)
  • Eike Immel : Breakfast in Bed (2008)
  • Stefan Lucca: Sometimes you have to build bridges (2012), I love my home (2012), There is only one woman in my life (2012), You and I (2011), First came summer (2011), Wum und Boum (2011)
  • Die Schmalzler: Even if your heart went through thorns (2012)
  • Melissa Kroess: When Summer Comes on the Seine (2011)
  • Siblings David: We make music with the heart (2011)
  • Grubertaler: The famous three words (2016)


  • 2011: When two hearts feel love
  • 2011: I am writing your name in the sky
  • 2012: Magic Moments
  • 2012: a kingdom for your love
  • 2013: Only with you do I live all my dreams
  • 2014: The most tender temptation

Web links