Alexander Issachenko (biathlete)

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Alexander Issachenko biathlon
Association KazakhstanKazakhstan Kazakhstan
birthday July 22, 1986
place of birth Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union
Debut in the European Cup / IBU Cup 2006
European Cup / IBU Cup victories -
Debut in the World Cup -
World Cup victories -
status active
World Cup balance
last change: August 20, 2010

Alexander Issachenko (born July 22, 1986 ) is a Kazakh biathlete .

Alexander Issachenko played his first international championship in 2005 as part of the Biathlon World Championships for Juniors in Kontiolahti . In Finland he was 38th in the individual, 46th in the sprint, 53rd in the pursuit and 17th in the Kazakh relay. Since 2006 he has also competed in the European Biathlon Cup , initially a race with the juniors, since his second race in Obertilliach with the men. In 2008, with a 26th place in a sprint in the same place, he achieved his best result so far in the second highest racing series in biathlon and at the same time he won his first points. His first major event among men was the 2009 European Biathlon Championships in Ufa , where Issachenko was 45th in the individual, 47th in the sprint and 44th in the pursuit.

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