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The Dregowitschen ( Russian Дреговичи , Belarusian Дрыгавічы ), also Draguwiten , were an East Slavic tribe who lived along the Pripyat and in the upper Dnieper region in the 9th and 10th centuries . Their name comes from the Old Slavic word dregwa , which means swamp . They are associated with the Sarubinzy culture by some researchers . Their neighbors in the east were the Radimitschen , in the northeast the Kriwitschen or Polotschanen , in the west the Baltic and in the south the Drewljanen .

Archaeological excavations show the remains of agriculturally oriented settlements, burial mounds and small fortified towns. The chronicles tell very little about the Dregoviches. We know that they had their own principality on the Pripyat with the center in Turow . In the 10th century their areas became part of the Kievan Rus , later these areas became the core of the Turov principality . The north-eastern part of the territory settled by the Dregovichs became part of the Polotsk principality . It is assumed that the Dregowitschen, together with the Radimitschen , Polotschanen and some of the Kriwitschen, belong to the ancestors of the Belarusians .


  • Valentin Janin and others: Otetschestwennaja istorija: istorija Rossii s drewneischich wremen do 1917 goda: Tom 2 . Bolschaja Rossijskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1996, pp. 85-86. ISBN 5-85270-049-5 (Russian)

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