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Radimitschen (Радимичи) on the settlement map of the Eastern Slavs

The Radimitschen ( Russian Радимичи , Belarusian Радзімічы ) were an East Slavic tribe in what is now Belarus from the 9th to the 12th century.


Their settlement area was initially on the Sosch River . Later they settled in the area between the upper Dnepr and the Desna .

Their territories bordered in the south on the Severjanen , in the west on the Dregowitschen , in the north the Kriviches and in the east the Vyatiches .


The first mention of the Radimitschen in the Radziwiłł Chronicle for 885

The Nestor Chronicle wrote that the Radimitschen were of Lyachian origin (i.e. from eastern Poland). Their leader Radim settled with them in the area of ​​the river Sosh .

Around 885 the Kiev prince Oleg asked them to pay tribute to him and no longer to the Khazars . In 907 they took part in Prince Igor's campaign to the Byzantine Empire . Around 984, Prince Vladimir the Great's warriors marched against the Radimitschen. They were defeated near Slavgorod and have been part of the Kievan Rus ever since . The last mention of the Radimitschen comes from 1169.

After the disintegration of the Kievan Rus, their areas belonged to the Principality of Chernigov and partly to the Principality of Smolensk . The cities whose founding between the 9th and 11th centuries is attributed to the Radimitschen include Gomel , Rogachev , Starodub and Kritschew . Seven-pointed temple rings made of bronze and silver were characteristic of the Radimitschen.

It is believed that their descendants subsequently became part of the Belarusian people .


  • В. В. Богуславский, В. В. Бурминов: Русь рюриковичей .
  • Б. А. Рыбакоў: Радзімічы. Працы секцыі археолёгіі Беларускай ; Moscow, 1932; Pp. 81-151.


  1. "... были же радимичи от рода ляховъ, пришли и поселились тут и платят дань Руси, повоз везут и доныне" from Malopolska , see. The town of Radom , the Radomka River , and the Vyatichs are said to have been of Lyachian origin
  2. «… и пришедъша седоста Радимъ на Съжю, и прозвашася радимичи»
  3. И посла к радимичем, река: «Кому дань даеть?" Они же ръша: «Козаромъ». И рече имъ Олегъ: "Не дайте козаромъ, но мнъ давайте". И даша Олгови по щълоягу, якоже и козаром даяху. И бъ Олегъ обладав поляны, и деревляны, и съверяны, и радимичи, а съ суличи и тиверци имеаша рать.