Alexander Ivanovich Laktionov

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Aleksandr Ivanovich Laktionov ( Russian Александр Иванович Лактионов ; born May 16 . Jul / 29. May  1910 greg. In Rostov-on-Don , † 15. March 1972 in Moscow ) was a renowned painter of Socialist Realism in the Soviet Union after the war. His precise, almost photo-realistic style was hugely popular, but aroused controversy among critics and fellow artists.


Laktionow was born in Rostov-on-Don and studied at the Leningrad Art Academy from 1926 to 1929 and from 1938 to 1944. He was a student of the painter Isaak Brodski and was influenced by his technical and realistic approach, which followed the traditions of the Old Masters .

Laktionov achieved his breakthrough with his painting Letter from the Front (Письмо с фронта) (1947), which captured the prevailing mood of the Soviet population after the Great Patriotic War . Letter from the front exudes great optimism, the picture is bathed in warm sunshine, and shows the characteristic lack of conflict that became a motif of Laktionov's later works and Socialist Realism in general.

Laktionov became famous for his genre painting, such as Moving to New Apartment (Переезд в новую квартиру) (1952). His precisely realistic works paint an overwhelmingly positive image of Soviet society, which was in stark contrast to the everyday reality of the Soviet citizens. Nevertheless, they were extremely popular, although there were also critical voices. This criticized v. a. Laktionov's naturalism, to which, according to the critics, artistic expressiveness was sacrificed.

Nevertheless, Laktionov found numerous supporters in the state cultural bureaucracy, who welcomed his motive of being a patriotic and optimistic citizen. These ensured Laktionov's extremely successful career and his rise into the nomenklatura of Soviet society. In his later years numerous portraits of famous Soviet actors, scientists, soldiers, politicians and cosmonauts were commissioned , including a particularly well-known portrait of Stalin .


  • Nikolajewa, Jelena Wiktorowna: Alexander Iwanowitsch Laktionow , Leningrad: Chudoschnik RSFSR, 1978 (Russian; with English summary)
  • Ossipow, Dmitri Michailowitsch: Alexander Laktionow , Moscow: Sowjetski Chudoschnik, 1968 (Russian)

Web links

Commons : Aleksandr Ivanovich Laktionov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files