Alessandro Passerin d'Entrèves

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Alessandro Passerin d 'Entrèves (born April 26, 1902 in Turin , † December 15, 1985 ibid) was an Italian legal philosopher and Romance scholar .

life and work

Passerin came from the Aosta Valley and was associated with him all his life. He studied in Turin with Gioele Solari (1872–1952), Francesco Ruffini (1863–1934) and Luigi Einaudi and was friends with Piero Gobetti . He received his doctorate in Turin in 1924 with Il fondamento della filosofia giuridica di GGF Hegel , and in Oxford in 1932 with The Mediaeval Contribution to Political Thought. Thomas Aquinas. Marsilius of Padua. Richard Hooker (Oxford 1939). In 1935 he occupied a chair in Messina, then in Pavia and finally in Turin. From 1946 to 1956 he was Professor of Italian at Oxford. He taught intermittently at Yale University. In 1964 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . In 1972, Norberto Bobbio succeeded him at the Turin Chair for Political Science .

Other works

  • La Teoria del diritto e della politica in Inghilterra all'inizio dell'età moderna. Turin 1929
  • Riccardo Hooker. Contributo alla teoria e alla storia del diritto naturale. Turin 1932
  • Reflections on the History of Italy. An inaugural lecture. Oxford 1947
  • Natural law. An introduction to legal Philosophy. London 1951, 1970, 1994, 2004
  • Dante as a Political Thinker. Oxford 1952. (Italian: Turin 1955)
  • La Dottrina dello stato. Elementi di analisi e di interpretazione. Turin 1962 (English: Oxford 1967, French: 1969)
  • Oboperza e resistenza in una società democratica, e altri saggi. Milan 1970
  • Il palchetto assegnato agli statisti e altri scritti di varia politica. Milan 1979
  • Les bornes du royaume. Ecrits de philosophie politique et d'histoire valdôtaine. Milan 1984
  • Gian Mario Bravo (Ed.): Saggi di storia del pensiero politico. Dal Medioevo alla società contemporanea. Milan 1992.
  • The formazione dello Stato Unitario. Rome 1993


  • Ermanno Vitale (Eds.): Norberto Bobbio e Alessandro Passerin d'Entrèves. Profili intellettuali a confronto. Giappichelli, Turin 2010, ISBN 978-88-348-0916-7 .

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