Alexander Schiebel

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Alexander Schiebel (born February 4, 1966 in Vienna ) is an Austrian author and documentary filmmaker . Since April 1, 2019, he and his family have been on a worldwide research journey.


Schiebel worked in the areas of software development and online marketing and moved to Merano in South Tyrol in 2013 . From February 2018 he lived in Leipzig for a year, from where he set off on a worldwide research trip in April 2019. He is married and has six children.


In Meran, Schiebel set up the documentary film blog “suedtirolerzaehlt”. In the election campaign for the mayoral election in 2015, he supported the green candidate Paul Rösch against the South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP). In 2016 he worked on a campaign against the expansion of Bolzano Airport .

In his book The Miracle of Mals , published in September 2017 . How a village stands up to the agricultural industry , Schiebel tells how the South Tyrolean community of Mals decided by referendum to become the first " pesticide- free community in Europe". The referendum was a reaction to the massive use of pesticides in the South Tyrolean apple tree plantations. The documentary of the same name premiered in Munich at the end of May 2018, then in Mals, an 11-part series with material from the film has been on the Internet since 2016.

In November 2019, the public prosecutor applied to the Bolzano Regional Court to initiate main proceedings for defamation ( diffamazione ) because he had injured the reputation of South Tyrolean farmers with passages in the book.


On October 18, 2018, Alexander Schiebel was awarded the Salus Media Prize for the book "The Miracle of Mals". His documentary with the same title was awarded the City of Potsdam Prize for the best artistic achievement as part of the 14th Eco-Film Tour 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About us - life without nothing. Retrieved on August 15, 2019 (German).
  2. About Alex Schiebel . In: South Tyrol tells . March 7, 2013 ( [accessed August 10, 2018]).
  3. “Why I go” - The New South Tyrolean Daily Newspaper. Retrieved August 15, 2019 .
  4. South Tyrol tells. Retrieved on August 10, 2018 (German).
  5. A zebra rebels | Miracle workshop. Retrieved on August 10, 2018 (German).
  6. 1000 votes | Miracle workshop. Retrieved on August 10, 2018 (German).
  7. Book - Alexander Schiebel: The miracle of Mals. Retrieved on August 10, 2018 (German).
  8. ^ Premieres in Munich & Mals . In: The miracle of Mals . May 15, 2018 ( [accessed August 10, 2018]).
  9. "I am the good" - The New South Tyrolean Daily Newspaper. Retrieved January 3, 2020 .
  10. Prize winners 2018. Accessed August 15, 2019 .
  11. City Reporter: The winning film of this year's eco-film tour is presented / screening of the documentary “The Miracle of Mals” with a film talk. In: PNR24 - Press News Report24. June 4, 2019, accessed on August 15, 2019 (German).