Alexei Vyacheslavovich Solovyov

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Alexei Wjatscheslawowitsch Solowjow ( Russian Алексей Вячеславович Соловьев , English: Alexey V. Solovyev, born September 14, 1984 in Ulyanovsk ) is a Russian lepidopterist .


After graduating from high school in 2000, Solowjow began studying at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University , which he completed in 2005 with a thesis on the embryonic and postembryonic development of crustaceans (crustacea). During his studies he became increasingly interested in lepidopterology.

Under the direction of Vadim Wiktorowitsch Solotuchin (* 1967) he conducted scientific studies on the snail moth (Limacodidae) of the Palearctic and Southeast Asia from 2003 .

From September 2005 to December 2007 he was a student at the Department of Entomology at the State University of Saint Petersburg , where he studied the Limacodidae family of the Palearctic and Indo-Malay regions . In his master's thesis he dealt with the revision of the generic and species complexes of the snail moth ( Lepidoptera , Zygaenoidea ) in Southeast Asia.

From 2007 to 2011 he was an aspirant at the zoological department of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. In February 2011, he was with the dissertation Таксономический состав и филогенетические взаимоотношения слизневидок рода Parasa Auct (Taxonomy and phylogeny of limacodids of the genus Parasa auct. (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae)) for candidates of science doctorate from the State University of Saint Petersburg.

Since 2011 he has been a lecturer at the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University.

Solovyov undertook six excursions to the central Volga region (2004, 2005, 2008, 2009), two expeditions to the Far East of Russia (2005, 2006), one expedition to the Malay Peninsula (2006) and three expeditions to Vietnam (2008, 2009, 2011).

Solovyov described around 35 new species of snail moth.

Dedication names

In 2013, the Vietnamese moth species Poliosia solovyevi from the Erebidae family was named after Alexei Solovyov.

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