Alfons Tallert

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Alfons Tallert (born May 18, 1916 in Lehe (Bremerhaven) ; † September 1, 2006 in Bremerhaven ) was Bremerhaven's mayor and city councilor as a German social democrat.


Tallert originally wanted to become a captain after leaving school . He signed on as a cabin boy on a coastal sailor, qualified as a fully qualified seaman, was drafted into the Reich Labor Service in 1938 shortly before his officer training and later into the Navy . After the Second World War he had been employed by the American armed forces in Weddewarden from 1945 , first as chief interpreter, then as head of personnel for the 1,600 civilian employees. He had been a member of the SPD Bremen since 1950 . In 1951 he was elected a member of the Bremerhaven city council and in 1955 the chairman of the SPD parliamentary group. From 1958 to 1983 he was a school and culture director for the Bremerhaven magistrate, and in 1965 he also took over the office of mayor. Establishment and further development of the Bremerhaven schools, the maintenance of the Bremerhaven City Theater as a three-branch stage and the establishment of the German Maritime Museum were important tasks in his time. After leaving the magistrate, Tallert was city councilor from September 25, 1983 to October 25, 1995. As such, he chaired the parliamentary sessions in the Seestadt.



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