Alfonso Leonetti

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Alfonso Leonetti (born September 13, 1895 in Andria , † December 26, 1984 in Rome ; pseudonym: Feroci ) was an Italian journalist and politician.


Born in Andria , Leonetti worked as an editor of the socialist party newspaper Avanti! in Turin. He belonged to a group around Antonio Gramsci and Angelo Tasca , who founded the Communist Party of Italy ( Partito Comunista Italiano ) together with supporters of Amadeo Bordigas in 1921 . From 1924 to 1926 Leonetti was head of L'Unità , in 1926 a member of the Central Committee and in 1927 of the Politburo of the KPI. He later worked for the KPI in exile in Paris .

In 1930 he was expelled from the KPI because he protested against Comintern politics with Paolo Ravazzoli and Pietro Tresso . Thereafter, Leonetti was the editor of a bulletin of the New Italian Opposition , which saw itself as a Trotskyist organization. Since Leonetti rejected Trotsky's criticism of the Comintern's Popular Front policy, he separated from the Left Opposition .

In 1945 he became a member of the French Communist Party , worked for their party press and headed a cadre school. However, at the instigation of the Italian comrades, his membership was canceled. In 1960 he returned to Italy and, after a discussion with Palmiro Togliatti, was re-admitted to the PCI in 1962. From 1970 he campaigned for the political rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinism .

Works (selection)

  • Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes. Chronologie et bibliographie, L'Italie. Des origines à 1922. Paris, Les éditions ouvrières, 1952.
  • Un comunista (1895-1930). Milano, Feltrinelli, 1977.
  • Il cammino di un ordinovista. L'ottobre, il fascismo, i problemi della democrazia socialista. Scritti politici (1919-1975). Bari, De Donato, 1978.
  • Vittime italiane dello stalinismo in Urss. Milano, La salamandra, 1978.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, December 25, 1984 is given as the date of death
  2. Life data from: Trotsky writings . Volume 2.1, Hamburg 1988, footnote 19, p. 951 as well as Abtrünnig against Will: From letters and manuscripts of exile by Ruth Fischer and Arkadij Maslow, Munich 1990, p. 643.