Alfred Börckel

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Alfred Börckel , also Alfred Boerckel, (born November 14, 1851 in Mainz , † December 23, 1928 ) was a German librarian , local researcher and writer.

Alfred Börckel, son of the Austrian chief medical officer Valentin Börckel (1800–1887), who worked as a doctor in the Mainz fortress , and Maria, geb. Eller (1820–1901), attended a private Progymnasium in Biebrich . He then worked as a businessman from 1867 and then switched to the writing profession. On November 1, 1879, he became secretary of the Mainz city library and librarian of the Gutenberg casino. In 1883 he was appointed librarian of the city library, in 1896 he was appointed court councilor to the Hessian ducal . Alfred Börckel published poetry, novels and, above all, historical books on Mainz. He is buried in the main cemetery in Mainz .

Alfred Börckel was married to Maria Heck (1872–1955). Aenny Börckel (* 1897) and the lawyer Fritz Boerckel (1898–1980) emerged from this marriage.

Publications (selection)

  • From the Rhine! Poems . Diemer, Mainz 1878.
  • Inko the Huron chief. Dramatic poem in 5 acts . Diemer, Mainz 1880.
  • The princely minnesingers of Manesse's song manuscript: their life and works in an easily understandable presentation . Von Zabern, Mainz 1882.
  • Gutenberg. Historical drama in 3 acts . Von Zabern, Mainz 1883. Digitized
  • Beach songs . Von Zabern, Mainz 1885.
  • The philosopher of Sanssouci. Acting . Von Zabern, Main 1885.
  • Mainz historical images. Sketches of memorable people and events from 1816 to the present. Von Zabern, Mainz 1890.
  • Gutenberg. His life, his work, his fame . E. Roth, Giessen 1897. Digitized version
  • Gutenberg and his most famous successors in the first century of typography are depicted after their lives and work . Klimsch & Co., Frankfurt a. M. 1900. Digitized
  • The Mainz cemetery. Its history and its monuments. In memory of its 100th anniversary . Publishing house of the city of Mainz, Mainz 1903.
  • Goethe and Schiller in their relationship with Mainz . From Zabern, Mainz 1904.
  • History of Mainz as a fortress and garrison from Roman times to the present . Diemer, Mainz 1913.
  • Mainz Chronicle 1892–1917 . Diemer, Mainz 1917.
  • The golden Mainz in its main attractions: Cathedral, Kurfürstl. Castle, Deutschhaus and city park along with a tour of the city and sayings of its famous visitors . Diemer, Mainz 1921. Digitized


  • German Literature Lexicon . 3rd edition, Volume 1, 1968, pp. 703-704.
  • Wolfgang Balzer: Mainz. Personalities of the city's history . Volume 2. Kügler, Ingelheim 1989, ISBN 3-924124-01-9 , pp. 230-231 (with picture).