Alfred Schmidt-Sas

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Stumbling stone in front of the house, Olivaer Platz 5, in Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Alfred Schmidt-Sas (born March 16, 1895 in Schlegel , † April 5, 1943 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a resistance fighter against the National Socialists. The elementary school teacher and musician took on the position of spiritual leader in the Berlin “Sas Group”. One worked mainly by writing and distributing leaflets.

Schmidt-Sas was sentenced to death with other members of his group on October 9, 1942 and died in the guillotine in 1943 .


The figure of Dr. Reichhardt in Hans Fallada's novel Everyone dies for himself is modeled on Schmidt-Sas.

His last letter before the execution, which he wrote with his hands tied, was set to music for a record.


  • Helmut Gollwitzer (Ed.): You haunted me by night - farewell letters and records of the resistance 1933–1945 , Chr. Kaiser Verlag, Munich 1954.
  • Volker Hoffmann: The senior from Plötzensee. - The torn life of the music educator Alfred Schmidt-Sas (1895–1943) , Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-89626-089-8 .

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