Alfred Simonis

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Alfred Félix Armand Burggraaf Simonis (born January 14, 1842 in Verviers , Liège Province , Belgium ; † April 6, 1931 ibid) was a Belgian politician of the Catholic Party and President of the Belgian Senate .


Simonis was the grandson of Ivan Simonis and descendant of the cloth manufacturer Henri Simonis from Verviers, who had specialized in the production of worsted yarn.

Alfred Simonis was a member of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. He was last President of the Senate from August 28, 1908 to August 5, 1911.

Simonis was married to Berthe Euphrosine Marie von Grand'Ry (1844–1911) from the Eupen entrepreneurial family Grand Ry . His granddaughter Berthe de Lalieux de la Rocq was President, General Secretary and most recently Honorary President of the League of Christian Women Workers.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie-Sylvie Dupont-Bouchat, Éliane Gubin: Dictionnaire des femmes belges: XIXe et XXe siècles . Lannoo Uitgeverij, Bruxelles 2006, ISBN 2-87386-434-6 , pp. 166 (French, 637 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).