Alfred Twardecki

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Alfred Twardecki in front of the Acropolis (2008)

Alfred Twardecki (born February 4, 1962 in Warsaw ) is a Polish ancient historian and epigraphist .

He is the son of Alojzy and Jolanta Twardecki. He attended the Antonii Dobiszewski High School in Warsaw, which he graduated from high school. He then studied history at Warsaw University and graduated in 1986 with a master's degree. From 1986 he worked at his university at the Department of Ancient History of the Historical Institute. Since 1991 he has been working in the “Collection of Ancient Art” of the National Museum in Warsaw, first as an assistant, then as an adjunct and for several years as a curator . Since 1994 he has been head of the scientific program for cooperation between the National Museum in Warsaw and the Museum in Kerch (Ukraine, Crimea). In addition, since 2008 he has been the head of the Tyritake archaeological project at the National Museum in Warsaw. Since February 1, 2012, he has been the curator of the Ancient and Eastern Christian Art Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw.

Twardecki was a DAAD scholarship holder .

He is the author of several specialist books and several articles in both specialist and popular magazines, all of which deal with ancient Greek history. He also translates texts from ancient Greek and English into Polish.

He is married and has two children.


  • items
    • Grecja a Wschód w świetle liryki archaicznej , Meander, 7-8 (1987), p. 375 ff (Greece and the Orient in the light of archaic poetry)
    • Król Midas - antyczna tradycja literacka a badania archeologiczne , Studia i Materiały Archeologiczne, 8 (1991), pp. 65–121 (for example: King Midas - literary traditions of antiquity and the results of archaeological research)
    • Marina - nowe polskie stanowisko archeologiczne w Egipcie. Próba localizacji na mapie Egiptu grecko-rzymskiego, Studia i Materiały Archeologiczne , 9 (1992), pp 107-118
    • A new Funerary Stela in the Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw , Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 95 (1993), pp. 156–158
    • Dedicatory inscription for Hermes or Souchos? , Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 99 (1993), pp. 197-202
    • An unpublished inscription from Warsaw , Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 102 (1994), pp. 307-309
    • Kolekcja inskrypcji cyprosylabicznych z Gołuchowa , Materiały z sesji poświęconej trzydziestoleciu działalności Polskiej Misji Archeologicznej w Nea Pafos na Cyprze (27-28 III 1995), Warszawa (1998), pp. 169–179
    • Inscriptions grecques acquises par le Musée Nationale de Varsovie lors des fuilles franco - polonaises a Edfou , in: Tell Edfou soixante ans après. Actes du colloque franco-polonais, Le Caire - October 15, 1996 [= Fouilles-polonaises 4] , Cairo (1999), pp. 83-93
    • The collection of Greek inscriptions in the National Museum in Warsaw in: Atti, XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, Roma, September 18-24, 1997 , Rome (1999), pp. 739-746.
    • Inscription of the Phoderago (KL 1839) in: The Cimmerian Bosporus, Pontos, and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages, The Materials of the Third Bosporan Readings , Kerch 2002, pp. 292-294.
    • Produkcja wina w starożytności w: Dionizos w życiu i kulcie. Wystawa ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie (an exhibition catalog), Sosnowiec 2002, pp. 29–35.
    • Greek Christian Inscriptions in the Collections of the National Museum in Warsaw , Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie, XLI (2000), No 1-4, pp. 3–10
    • Inskrypcje greckie, folder Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie , Warsaw 2003 [Greek inscriptions, folder of the National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw (2003)]
    • Kariery zawodowych sportowców w starożytności w świetle źródeł epigraficznych in: Sport i igrzyska olimpijskie w starożytności , [exhibition catalogs : Olimpiada. Sport w sztuce greckiej od VI wpne do V wne; Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 15.05.2004 - 15.07.2004 Warsaw 2004, pp. 44–49]
    • Inscription of the Phoderago reconsidered , in: Bosporan Readings V, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages , Kersch 2004, pp. 437-441.
    • Four unpublished funerary stele from Pantikapaion , in: Bosporan Readings VI, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Period of destabilizations, catastrophes , Kerch 2005, pp. 300-305.
    • Greek Inscriptions Acquired for the National Museum in Warsaw by Professor Kazimierz Michałowski , Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie [Volume dédié a la mémoire du professeur Kazimierz Michałowski], XLII (2001) [2006], No 1-4, pp. 129–142
    • Whether Orphic nor philosopher , Bosporan Readings VIII, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages. Sanctuaries and Sacred Objects , Kerch 2007, E. 361-368
    • Tłumaczenie Narodzin Grecji , translation of Early Greece by Oswyn Murray, Przekładaniec, Półrocznik Katedry UNESCO do Badań nad Przekładem i Komunikacją Międzykulturową UJ, 1-2 (2007), no. 18–19, pp. 256–260
    • Hieromastor - an inquisitor or adviser? , Bosporan Readings IX, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian world in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages. Militaria ., Kerch 2008, pp. 326–331.
    • Проблемы эпиграфики Боспорского царства на примере надписи KL 705 (Керченский музей), Novensia 18-19 (2008), pp. 351–363
    • Poetic epitaph for Glykarion, son of Glykarion, son of Glykarion (KL 439) , Bosporan readings X, Kerch 2009, pp. 540-547.
    • Priest and Poet? (CIRB 118) , Bosporan readings XI, Kerch 2010, pp. 519-525
    • Wieża Babel. Rzecz o językach i formach i zapisu. [The Babel Tower. Thing about languages ​​and their registered letters] wyd. Zamek Książąt Pomorskich w Szczecinie 2010 [exhibition catalogs]: Język grecki [The Greek language]: p. 29–32, catalog: p. 33, 35; Język łacński [The Latin Language], pp. 48–51, catalog: pp. 52, 53, 55; Paleografia [palaeography] pp. 56-59
    • VN Zin'ko, AV Zin'nko, A. Twardecki, Yu.L. Belik, Issledovaniya Bosporskoi OAE, Arkheologichni Doslizhennya v Ukraini 2010, Institut Arkheologii NAN Ukrainy, Kiev (2011), ss. 117-118
    • Greek Poetry in Bosporan Kingdom, Bosporan readings XII, Kerch (2011), ss. 458-463
    • A Collegium of Hieroi in the Bosporan Kingdom? w: Pontika 2008, Recent Research on the Northern and Eastern Black Sea in Ancient Times. Proceedings of the National Conference, April 21st-26th, 2008, Kraków, BAR International Series 2240, 2011, Chapter 46, ss. 371-376
  • Monographs
    • Plutarch, Czy stary człowiek powinien zajmować się polityką? (tłumaczenie i przypisy) in: Cyceron, Plutarch: Pochwała starości, Unia Wydawnicza "Verum" , Warsaw 1996
    • Mały słownik sztuki starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, Unia wydawnicza "Verum" , Warszawa 1998, also available as an online version (Prószyński i S-ka)
    • with Adam Łajtar, Catalog des inscriptions Grecques du Musée National de Varsovie, Supplement II, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology , Warsaw 2003, also as an online version at the National Museum in Warsaw Server.
    • Oswyn Murray, Narodziny Grecji [Early Greece], translation from English into Polish, Prószyński i S-ka, Warsaw 2004
    • Wielki encyklopedyczny atlas. Historia świata , Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2006
    • Galeria Sztuki Starożytnej. Egipt, Bliski Wschód. Przewodnik, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw 2007
    • T. Matkovskaya, A. Twardecki, S. Tokhtasev, A. Bekhter, Bosporan Funerary Stelae 2nd century BC - 3rd century AD , From the Collection of the Kerch History and Culture Reserve, Lapidary Collection, vol. III, book 2, part 1 = Supplement I Bulletin of the National Museum in Warsaw, Kiev, Warsaw 2009 / Боспорские надгробия II в. до н.э. - III в.н.э. Из собрания керченского историко-культурного заповедника. Лапидарная коллекция. Книга 2. Часть I = Супплемент I Bulletin of the National Museum in Warsaw, Kiev and Warsaw 2009 (Russian and English).

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