Ali Akbar Khan Bahman

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Ali Akbar Bahman

Ali Akbar Bahman (also Mirza Ali Akbar Khan; * 1880 ; † 1956 ) was an Iranian diplomat and politician. Ali Akbar Bahman was ambassador and minister both during the reign of the Qajars and under Reza Shah Pahlavi .

Family background

Ali Akbar Bahman was born into the family of the Qajar prince Bahman Mirza, the son of Abbas Mirza , who went down in history through his wars with many losses with Russia, which led to the peace treaty of Gulistan and the peace treaty of Turkmanchai (22. February 1828) . Bahman Mirza had 16 wives who bore him 33 sons and 31 daughters. One of Bahman Mirza's daughters, Princess Malekeh-Afagh Khanom (1863-1923), was the mother of Ali Akbar Bahman. His father was Mirza Hossein Behnam from an aristocratic family from Tabriz , who however died early. After the death of her first husband, his mother married Mirza Amanollah Khan "Zia os-Soltan", a politician at the Qajar court.


Coming from a noble family with a princess as mother, the young Mirza Ali Akbar Khan had the opportunity to make a career in the higher administration of Iran. His stepfather was a staunch opponent of the absolutist rule of the Qajars and supported the constitutional revolution of 1906. Yahya Dowlatabdi , also a constitutionalist and early reformer of the Iranian education system, sent Mirza Ali Akbar in 1907 as a teacher at the Iranian Sa'adat School in Azerbaijan Capital Baku . Numerous relatives of his mother from the Bahman Mirzas family lived there.

After the First World War , many Persians fled the Red Army and emigrated to Iran. With connections on both sides of the border, Ali Akbar Bahman helped Iranian-Russian families escape. On August 26, 1919, Ali Akbar Bachman was sent to Bucharest , first as a Persian special envoy and then as a general representative . In 1921 Ali Akbar Bahman became envoy to Belgium . Ali Akbar Bahman was ambassador to Afghanistan from 1934 to 1938 and to Egypt from 1939 to 1943 during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi . As ambassador he accompanied the wedding of the Iranian Crown Prince Mohammad Reza Pahlavi with the Egyptian Princess Fausia in 1939 .

Ali Akbar Bahman was married to Zoleikha Khanom Gadjieve. The marriage resulted in a daughter, Mehr-e Jahan (Mehri) Khanom Bahman.


  1. Archive link ( Memento from April 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive )