Alkaios (son of Androgeos)

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Alkaios ( ancient Greek Ἀλκαῖος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

Alkaios appears to Diodorus as the general of Rhadamanthys , from whom he received the island of Paros as a reward for his services . The library of Apollodorus states that Alkaius and his brother Sthenelos were sons of Minos son Androgeos . As Heracles in carrying out his ninth work of the procurement of the belt Ares by his owner, the Amazons -Queen Hippolyte , was, on the road docked on Paros and for the killing of two of his men then killed by the Minossöhne these and the other islanders laid siege , he agreed with the latter to take Alcaios and Sthenelos hostage and to sail again for them. On his return to Greece, the hero set Alcaios and his brother to rulers of Thasos after he had conquered this island.



  1. Diodor, Bibliothéke historiké 5, 79, 2.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 5, 9.