Georg Wentzel

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Georg Wentzel (born October 26, 1862 in Opole , † December 18, 1919 in Berlin ) was a German classical philologist .


Georg Wentzel began studying Classical Philology, History and Archeology at the University of Berlin in 1880 ; Johannes Vahlen and Carl Robert were among his academic teachers . After his eighth semester, Wentzel had to interrupt his studies for a year because of a serious illness. In 1885 he went to the University of Göttingen , where he studied with Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and Hermann Sauppe . In November 1888 Wentzel with the dissertation was Ἐπικλήσεις θεῶν , sive De deorum cognominibus by grammatical corum Graecorum scripta dispersis doctorate . 1895 followed his habilitation and appointment as a private lecturer; on July 18, 1899 he received the title "Professor".

On August 20, 1901, Wentzel was appointed associate professor at the University of Marburg . For the time being, however, he did not take up the position because he was commissioned to replace the professor for the sick (later deceased) Professor Georg Kaibel in Göttingen for the winter semester of 1901/1902 . In the summer semester of 1902 Wentzel went to Marburg, where he was also co-director of the philological seminar and proseminar.

Wentzel's teacher Wilamowitz, who had taught in Berlin since 1897, had set up a permanent assistant position at the Institute for Classical Studies in the year of his appointment. Its first owner, Rudolf Helm , completed his habilitation in 1899 and has since worked as a private lecturer. For his successor Richard Heinze , the assistant position was redesigned to an extraordinary professorship, which Georg Wentzel received after Heine's departure in 1903.

His teacher Wilamowitz judged the scientist and university professor Wentzel in his memoirs 1848–1914 : “My Göttingen student G. Wentzel felt so oppressed by the considerable burden as an assistant that he threw it off. He was so interested in many things, capable of excellent work, that he started too much and got nothing in the end. ... He then solved a prize task of the Berlin Academy in such a way that he basically proved that it was unsolvable. … Nothing was finished because Wentzel was a meticulous fanatic. ... Wentzel followed his passion for music for a while, then fell into the humanistic late Simon Lemnius and thus into the cultural history of Graubünden; he died before the promised conclusion. "


  • Franz Gundlach: Catalogus professorum academiae Marburgensis. The academic teachers at the Philipps University of Marburg from 1527 to 1910 . Marburg 1927, p. 342
  • Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Memories 1848–1914 , Berlin 1928.
  • William M. Calder III , Robert L. Fowler : The preserved letters of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff to Eduard Schwartz: edited with introduction and commentary , Munich 1986, p. 25, note 87.

Web links

Wikisource: Georg Wentzel  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen for the accounting year 1902 , Göttingen 1902, p. 20.
  2. a b Wilamowitz (1928) 283–284.