Allée couverte on the Île Coalen

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Scheme of a gallery grave
Sea level rise over the past 24,000 years. Since the construction of the complex around 4000 BC He rose only about five meters

The Allée couverte on the Île Coalen (also called Allée couverte de Coalen / Koalen ) is located on the tidal island of Île Coalen near Tréguier in the Côtes-d'Armor in Lanmodez , which is accessible on foot at low tide and is about 150 m from the coast of Brittany in France .

The remains of the gallery grave of no longer determinable length can be found at low tide on the southwest beach of the Île Coalen. In the northwest are the remains of a separate cell, some meters long. Several granite bearing stones and two of the transverse slabs are still in place , but the rest is a mess. The remains of a side entrance or broken capstones are nearby.

Sea level rise

Some Allées couvertes are now dolmen ( dolmen submergé in French ) flooded with high tide . They are evidence of the rise in sea levels since the Neolithic , when the plants were not built so close to the sea . Other examples are the Cairn de Îlot-de-Roc'h-Avel , the Allée couverte by Kernic , the Menhir by Léhan and the Allée couverte in the Estuaire de la Quillimadec . The menhir of Penglaouic near Loctudy (Finistère) at the mouth of the Pont-l'Abbe river protrudes four meters from the silt. The menhir, which was built on firm ground in the Neolithic, is about 0.75 m below today's mean sea level, the base is about 0.50 m lower.

See also


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Coordinates: 48 ° 50 ′ 51 ″  N , 3 ° 4 ′ 53.4 ″  W.