Allée couverte de la Forge

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Allée couverte de la Forge

The Allée couverte de la Forge ( German  The Forge's Grave, also called Allée couverte de Bretteville) is located just outside Bretteville on the Cotentin peninsula in the Manche department on the north coast of Normandy in France .

Their length is about 17.0 meters. Seven of the 0.4 to 0.6 meter thick granite stones lie on the 1.8 to 2.8 meter wide megalithic complex , the bearing stones of which are slightly inclined inwards. The remaining stones are made from locally available material.

An excavation in the 1970s revealed that the gallery had been used for several centuries, human remains were not found as the acidity of the soil decomposed the material. Many artefacts were found in the individual layers of the soil , in particular worked flint , broken pottery, but also a drinking cup and a polished stone.

The Allée couverte de la Forge has been classified as a historic monument ( monument historique ).

Nearby were the Allée couverte du Câtillon and the Allée couverte of Tourlaville .


  • Vincent Carpentier, Emmanuel Ghesquiére, Cyril Marcigny: Archéologie en Normandie . Edition Quest-France, Rennes 2007, ISBN 978-2-7373-4164-9 , ( Collection Histoire ).

Web links

Commons : Allée couverte de Bretteville-en-Saire  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 38 ′ 49.1 "  N , 1 ° 30 ′ 36.2"  W.