Barbara Lorenz-Allendorff

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2004 election poster

Barbara Lorenz-Allendorff (born July 27, 1955 in Braunlage ) is a German politician (non-party). She was mayor of Wülfrath from 2004 to 2009 .


Barbara Lorenz-Allendorff grew up in Aachen . From 1996 to 2004 she was head of the VHS - Zweckverband Mettmann- Wülfrath. In 2004 she was put up as a candidate for mayor by the CDU Wülfrath, and she also received an election recommendation from the Greens / WWG. In the local elections in September 2004 she was elected as the new full-time mayor with a majority of 58.1%. Her predecessor Ulrich Eilebrecht (non-party) did not run for election for personal reasons.

In July 2007, the CDU parliamentary group launched a motion to vote against Lorenz-Allendorff in the city council. This was preceded by quarrels between her and the CDU and other parliamentary groups in the city council. Critics accused her in particular of weak leadership and a lack of initiative. The request for voting failed, however, because the other parliamentary groups did not support the request made by the CDU.

In the local elections in 2009, Lorenz-Allendorff ran as an independent candidate for re-election, of the Wülfrath parties only the Democratic Left Wülfrath spoke out in favor of her. Next to her there were five other candidates: Thomas Görtz (CDU), Manfred Hoffmann (SPD), Stephan Mrstik (B'90 / Greens), Claudia Panke (Wülfrather group) and Dirk Bredtmann (free candidate). The result was close. With 26.96% of the vote, Claudia Panke was elected to succeed Lorenz-Allendorff, who received 24.42%. Görtz came to 23.83%. Due to a new local electoral law, there was no runoff election .

Then Lorenz-Allendorff returned to the VHS Mettmann-Wülfrath. She is married.

Individual evidence

  1. Wülfrath: CDU board wants to have the mayor voted out . RP Online
  2. Wülfrath: Leadership weakness can already be seen in 2005 . RP Online
  3. ^ Message ( memento of September 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) in the WDR