Alma Söderhjelm

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Alma Söderhjelm

Alma Söderhjelm (born May 10, 1870 in Viborg , Finland , † March 16, 1949 in Stockholm ) was a Finnish historian and writer and the first female professor in Finland. She belonged to the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. From 1906 to 1926 Söderhjelm was a lecturer at the University of Helsinki and from 1927 to 1937 Professor of General History at the Åbo Akademi .

Söderhjelm's research focused on the subject of the French Revolution . She wrote her doctoral thesis (1900) on journalism during the revolution. Söderhjelm became known for her research into the friendship between Axel von Fersen and the French Queen Marie-Antoinette and especially as the editor of the Queen's secret correspondence with numerous revolutionaries.


A selection from the extensive bibliography, which includes “academic works, collections of essays, source publications and memoirs (25 works in 34 volumes)” as well as “plays, a collection of poems, a script, five novels and eight collections of newspaper columns”.

  • Sverige och den franska revolutions (2 volumes, 1920–24)
  • (Ed.): Axel von Fersens Dagbok , 4 volumes, Stockholm 1925
  • Den stora revolutions (2 volumes, 1927–29)
  • Åbo tur och retur (A Return to Åbo), Bonniers, Stockholm, 1938
  • with Carl-Fredrik Palmstierna: Oscar I , Stockholm 1944

Individual evidence

  1. Gender & History, Vol.10 No.1 April 1998, pp. 133–142, Solvejg Widen: "Alma Söderhjelm and Hilma Granqvist"
  2. ^ Women of Learning
  3. Biografiakeskus: Alma Söderhjelm