Alois Zanaschka

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Alois Zanaschka (District Museum Meidling)

Alois Zanaschka (born May 16, 1870 in Vienna ; † December 16, 1936 there ) was a social democratic politician and district head of Vienna- Meidling .


Zanaschka was a trained leather worker. He was one of the founding members of the social democratic party SDAP in Meidling. After the First World War he became Meidling's first social democratic district chairman from 1919 to 1934. Zanaschka remained loyal to his home district, even though he had been offered a city council post. He also did not change his lifestyle during his tenure.

After the events of February 1934 , he was politically persecuted by the regime of the Austro-Fascist corporate state and was interned in the Wöllersdorf detention center . Although he was released six months later because of his poor health, he was still subjected to reprisals, which ultimately led to his death in 1936.


As the first social democratic district leader, Zanaschka was able to achieve numerous improvements for the population of the district. The social housing of the Red Vienna found a focus in Meidling through the construction of numerous large community buildings . During his tenure, the Ratschkybad was built and the Meidlinger Markt was rebuilt. In the cultural field, Vienna's first district museum was founded under him .

In 1970 the Zanaschkagasse in Vienna-Meidling was named in his honor.


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