Alula Engida

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Ras Alula Engida 1890.

Ras Alula Engida Qubi (* 1827 in Mennawe, Tembien District, Tigray ; † February 15, 1897 in Abyssinia ) was a Tigrin or Ethiopian general and politician. Europeans referred to him as the Garibaldi of Abyssinia . He is considered to be one of the most outstanding military leaders in the fight for Ethiopia's independence.

He had three children with his first wife Wozero B'tweta. To strengthen his position at the imperial court, he divorced and married Woizero Amlesu Araya, daughter of Ras Araya Dimtsu, powerful and respected uncle of Emperor Yohannes IV. For Yohannes he defeated the Egyptians in 1875 at Gundet and in 1876 at Gura and served him from 1879 as the Ethiopian governor of Asmara (Eritrea). Alula also defeated the Sudanese at Kufit in 1885 and over the Italians in the 1887 Battle of Dogali . In the renewed fight against the Sudanese he was wounded in 1889 in the Battle of Gallabat . After the emperor's death, he initially supported Yohannes' son Mengesha Yohannes , but then together with Mengesha Emperor Menelik II. Alula's strategic plan contributed significantly to the Ethiopian victory over the Italians in the Battle of Adwa in 1896 . The following year he was fatally wounded while fighting the rival prince Ras Hagos (Sengal Hagos?).


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Augustus B. Wylde, Modern Abyssinia (London: Methuen, 1901), p. 29
  2. ^ A b Andrzej Bartnicki, Joanna Mantel-Niećko: History of Ethiopia - From the beginnings to the present , part 2, page 416f. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978
  3. David Hamilton Shinn: Historical Dictionary of Ethiopia , pages 38 and 74ff. Scarecrow Press, Lanham 2013
  4. Dan Connell, Tom Killion: Historical Dictionary of Eritrea , pages 62, 87 and 551. Scarecrow Press, Lanham 2010