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Amabi on a map of Timor around 1911

Amabi was an empire in the west of the island of Timor , which is now part of Indonesia .


The inhabitants of the empire of Amabi and their ruling family are said to originally come from the municipality of Ermera in what is now the neighboring country of East Timor . The tribe was led by two brothers. After some of the empires in the east were subjugated by the Portuguese , the Amabi fled west. Other traditions give as origin Molo in West Timor and as enemies, the Amanuban and Oematan. A brother, Loe Mananu, settled in Amabi Oefeto , which became a border post against enemy empires. The other brother went to Kupang , at that time the only base of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) on the island. There the Amabi became one of the “five loyal allies” of the Dutch in 1665 . Amabi Oefeto was larger in area, but less populated than the actual Amabi.

Between 1736 and 1738 Amabi temporarily subjugated the Amanuban, allied with the Portuguese .

Amabi today

The population of Amabi today belongs to the Atoin Meto , the dominant ethnic group of West Timor. Amabi is now part of the Kupang district . The line of rulers of Amabi Oefeto died out, the current heir of the rulers of Amabi has his residence today in Amabi Oefeto. Fettor Gideon Amabi ("Fettor" is a title) still has a great influence on the population today. He was elected to the district parliament in the first direct election in 2004. Fettor Gideon Amabi and his Javanese wife are Protestant Christians. Crown Prince of the dynasty is their son Muda Israel Amabi .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Royal Timor: Amabi ( Memento from January 29, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b Hans Hägerdal: Rebellions or factionalism? Timorese forms of resistance in an early colonial context, 1650-1769. limited preview in Google Book search.